Good Ol’ American Politics

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And if you wouldn’t have voted for any republican that didn‘t repudiate at least a single of Trump‘s pardons for his cronies half of congress would be empty by now. Or so…

Nate just repeats whatever Peter Thiel is paying him to say.

Some Americans voted for a CONVICTED RAPIST AND 34 COUNT FELON.


Fucking clown.

When trump pardoned Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Kushner’s father he defended him.

Since trump will be pardoning himself and all his friends…what’s the difference… none. Suck it Nazi GOP.

Trump about to pardon HIMSELF and they’re clutching their pearls like Biden is doing something that any parent with a vindictive adversary coming in after him

Nate Silver works for Peter Theil, he should be taken as seriously as Elon Musk on a ketamine bender.

In a world where morals, goodness, and community matter, Biden’s pardon is inexcusable. But on Election Day we agreed as a country that those things no longer do.

How is Nate Silver still a thing?

Nate Silver is a fucking grifter now, who cares?

Oh, Nate Silver is a moron. Huh. 🤔

Anyone pretending politics as usual still exists needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.

So the democrats finally show a tiny little bit of backbone, and that is a step too far? No wonder the republicans keep stunting on democrats, if anytime the dems so much as raise their voices, there are cries of “but civility”. 

I’m glad Biden did it – Hunter was prosecuted by a Trump appointee to damage his father politically, fuck that.

Trump has been promising retaliation, show trials and kangaroo courts for weeks. Whatever his initial intentions to stay out of it, circumstances have changed

Like I said, good. I’m tired of Democrats turning the other cheek and offering the high road. That’s gotten nowhere as politics have just gotten dirtier and more extreme towards one end. It’s time to bend the system and cheat like the opposition to get things done.

Then when it all breaks, we can talk about putting the pieces back together into something respectable.

I simply cannot care about Biden pardoning Hunter. I cannot find a single fuck to give about it. I tried really hard to summon up a single feeling about it and the closest I got was saying, “good for them.” It affects me literally not at all. The fact that the Republican officials are getting ready to poop their pants about it for the next God only knows how long is so embarrassing. People who voted for these officials, is this benefitting you? Will them screaming about Hunter Biden improve your lives? Or could it be that maybe, just maybe, they do this crap to jiggle keys in front of your face to distract from the fact they they don’t want to do their jobs.

The “rules for thee, but not for me” crowd is at it again.

I’m a kinda thinkin’ this play by Biden is a reverse psychology tactic: piss off the repubs so they swear off pardons because if the dems do it, it has to be wrong.

I think this was good for the country. Comer was wasting taxpayer dollars.

Sure, and how many Republican officeholders will vote “No” on confirmation of ANY of Trump’s mind bogglingly unfit cabinet picks?

Speaking of people who were pardoned..”Dinesh D’Souza apologizes for false claims in election conspiracy theory film ‘2000 Mules’”

Nate Silver is a fucking joke.

Nate Silver is a Putin puppet. Screw him

Trump pardons child molesters to foreign assets and Biden pardons tax conviction yea how dare Biden 🤦🏼‍♂️

Nate Silver doesn’t tell me who to vote for.

Agree except for the “remember, kids” part

Keep the kids out of your politics games

Extending Nate’s logic a bit: don’t vote for any Republican.

What pardon? Fake news. None of it is real. Nananananan boo boo. 

Did I do it right? Am I doing American politics justice? Do I need to show a dick pic in congress now or is that later? 

nate silver can go fuck himself.

I’ll vote for whomever I like, thank you.

I don’t blame the president one bit for trying to protect his only surviving son from these lunatics in any way that he can.
They’d already announced that they had intended to spend the next four years tormenting the man who has already been under investigation for a decade and charged with crimes that are almost never brought as charges. Solely because of who his father is.

nate silver can go find whatever repugs he can find on short notice and they can all go fuck themselves.

I repudiate the pardon. Trump’s pardon of Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, and a bunch of others. 

They sure didn’t care when Trump pardoned alotta bad people 💀

“I voted for Harris” Sure you did Nate. Sure you did.

Haha seeing Silver getting schooled and ratioed on X is giving me a little hope for sanity in this world.

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