“Good person”

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I mean… 3/4 ain’t bad. Just replace him with Terry Pratchet.

Well this post is where i find out Neil Gaiman gas been accused of SA. That’s rather unfortunate

Lovecraft became a better person towards the end of his life. He learned his lesson and made an effort to change his ways. Man had a whole ass character arc

I feel like I should point out that Lovecraft was actually starting to change and then he died really young. He would have been a much different person if he lived too old age

What did George Lucas do?

George lucas definitely struggles with dialogue but his writing in terms of storyline and political commentary is top notch

Ayn Rand still fuckin sucks though

Who are the top two? I at least recognize the one on the left as someone I should know, the one on the right looks like someone I’ve seen a stock photo of

HP Lovecraft made my favorite genre, but he’s not really a good writer imho. He’s like George Lucas in that regard for me. Great ideas, poor execution.

I know it’s easy to criticize George Lucas as a “bad writer” because of the dialogue in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, but the man wrote the original trilogy and also had a significant hand in writing the Indiana Jones trilogy. Most filmmakers are lucky if they get one bite of the apple, Lucas got two and was responsible for six of the most successful movies ever, commercially and critically.

He wrote three bad movies while writing six good ones. He’s not a GOAT but he’s also not bad.

Is there anything more than an accusation at this point? I wouldn’t say that this aged like milk yet if that’s the case.

To clarify, I’m not saying that they’re lying, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t automatically label him as a bad person if there isn’t evidence against him.

Damn this shit in here is toxic on the comments

George Lukas is a bad writer? OP must be a prequel hater

Nerd hate towards Lucas is unbelievable… He gave you star wars which you drool for, what else do you want from the guy?

Is Lovecraft really bad by today’s standards? I mean, I saw who America voted for.

Lucas is a good storywriter, just needs an editor that can beat him down and polish his scripts, like Marcia Lucas did with the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

So the person in the bottom-right is still okay?

Turns out, none of them were good people in the end

Swap out Bad Person/Bad Writer with Rowling. Ayn Rand was an evangelist of terrible economic theories more than a fiction writer.

I’m still ultimately pissed about Gaiman.

I just… Fuck y’all, never meet your heroes.

Oh Neil…

george lucas is a bad writer ? i think his bank account would disagree

Calling H.P Lovecraft a good writer is like calling caprisun your favorite soda.

He spawned a unique and extremely influential genre of horror, but his stories were very one-note and I’m glad the genre has grown beyond his narrow scope of horror.

man they doing lovecraft dirty

Sure he was a freak, but he fucking tried. Everyone knows about the cat but his *dad* named the cat and my man HP himself was born in 1890.

He also engaged in some of the most genuine racism I’ve ever heard of. Genuine. A lot of racists won’t say, or don’t think about, what they actually believe in. “I think black people are inferior, and violent, and stupid and uncivilized.” Okay, sure, that’s you’re premise, what conclusions do you draw from that?

The ones they usually reach for are things like, “so we need to kill them all” or “so we need to separate them from white people” or whatever. Even assuming they believe their own premise, there’s very little downstream thought. Okay, *so?* They’re either too cowardly to say it and want you to just come to the right conclusion on your own, or voice the dumbest things because their real goal is being edgy and transgressive.

Lovecraft went “well I think black people are primitive and savage and have limited control of their own base instincts” *oh no HP don’t say it, don’t say the word-* “-so we need to guarantee everyone a minimum standard of living so that they don’t have any reason to chimp out and kill us all”

He ain’t perfect, but for someone born in 1890 he sure seemed to be trying.

It is me or HP lovecraft actually a bad writer with just some cool ideas. I reading his stuff literally felt like watching paint dry

Howie being a good writer is debatable. Good ideas? Definitely. Engaging and comprehensible prose? God no. 

We hate Ayn Rand in this household

As a lover of Lovecraft’s work calling him a good writer is a bit of a stretch. You read him for his ideas, not for the quality of his prose

People like to ignore the fact that the racism, classism and xenophobia that made Lovecraft a ‘bad person’ are also directly responsible for for his work as a ‘good writer’. You actually can’t separate the art from the artist. But apparently people can’t handle complication and nuance.

HP Lovecraft was not a good writer lmfao. He was a revolutionary in his work as of now, but besides being the father of monsters, his writings were young adult levels at best, not bad, but definitely not good.

Lovecraft had no concept of grammar or sentences structure. He just had a macabre imagination

Anybody know how the investigation into those claims have gone? I haven’t seen anything since the accusations came out.

Ayn Rand wasn’t just a bad writer. She was a bafflingly stupid person. You can find old interviews with her on YouTube. Her entire worldview and ideology was profoundly idiotic.

He’s also an unoriginal hack

Calling Lucas a bad writer is wild, yeah some of the dialogue was bad, but plenty was great

I’m not saying I believe Neil Gaiman is innocent I just want to hear the accusation from somebody other than Boris Johnson’s sister.

I bet Ayn Rand is doing fuckin flips in her grave right now


Should be the animorphs author

The only woman being in the bottom left box is vintage Reddit lol

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