Good question

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I believe there was a debate in Islam about whether eating a mermaid would be Haram. Iirc the answer was no, as long as she is not your wife

This is a half-remembered conversation from my friend who specializes in American religion so take with salt

Completely unrelated religion fish facts: for the purposes of Catholic lent, puffins and alligators are both fish

Whyyy… would this be your first question if you found out mermaids existed? 😭

Most are depicted with horizontal fins, so it’s more like dolphin or whale. I have tasted neither, but both are considered red meat. I guess the taste would be constant throughout the body, with maybe different kinds of marbling or fat reserves.

Is eating the top half considered cannibalism?

Laios has escaped the dungeon

It wouldnt be red meat, more like brined pork

Can we not talk about eating me? I’m feeling threatened.

No wonder my anxiety is so high. You guys are wondering what I taste like


Technically a mermaid has no human parts. Mermaids are sirens that look like beautiful human women to lure men to their deaths, so whatever that tastes like. Probably a bit chewy and past it’s prime

I believed they’re bulit like tuna or whale- red meat all the way

how much of a mermaid can Christians eat on Fridays?

Mermaids only *look* like they are half fish and half human.

Mermaid are actually solid-state animals – their insides are a semi-solid mass of cells that can all perform any action that any cells can perform.

My understanding is that they taste like crab.

Things I asked when I was 6 and discovered different meats and textures.

I laughed so hard I woke the dog. Great post!

I anticipate more like crocodile, which has the texture of chicken and the taste of fish.

Laios asking the real questions here.

The problem is catching them. They are devious. They steal bait, foul hooks on coral and motors. You basically have to catch them sunning on a rock and shoot them. Occasionally you’ll get lucky with a prop strike. Don’t haul one on aboard unless you club the shit out of it first or it’ll seriously fuck up your boat.

Meat is best ground into sausage and smoked.

It depends on whether you are thinking of a mermaid that just appears human at a glance, or a truly half-and-half hybrid.

Fish have different musclulature than other aquatic mammals like whales or dolphins, due to how far back they diverged in evolutionary terms.

Assuming the mermaid lays eggs, I’d think the whole body would be fish-like, even if a portion lacks external scales. There wouldn’t be any benefit to having two divergent biological systems within one body, so the human-like appearance just close enough to be capable of deception at a distance wouldn’t need to change internal structures.

The big issues are the arms. It’s easy enough to develop fatty or bony lumps to mimic breasts, and there are already fish which have “hair” even if it isn’t truly the keratin-strands supported by a folicle that humans think of.

Ultimately, functional human-like arms without fins would be a really wasteful evolutionary change unless something supernatural is causing them. They would be wasteful in terms of energy needed to maintain that much tissue, and not really any better than simple fins when it comes to mobility.

Isn’t human actually white meat?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

Probably tastes like chicken

Perhaps now is the time to remember that all fish are half-mermaid

Well think of it like chicken. Dark meat has more connective tissue since it’s used more by the chicken. They walk and run but don’t fly, so their legs and thighs have more connective tissue and blood flow than their breast and wings. The tail end would likely be pretty tough, similar to dolphin which is allegedly similar to beef, and there would be a change from one type of meat to another

Reverse mermaids are more practical

if you’re allergic to mammal meat, does that make you allergic to mermaids? maybe you can eat the bottom half but not the top half?

I bet the bottom part definitely tastes like fish

**Dwarf Fortress players enter the chat**

What I really want to know is it cannibalism?

Is sex with a mermaid considered bestiality?

If it helps, one of my favorite lines from the sheriff in Resident Alien: “If you half-fish, you’re gonna smell all like fish”

I am in the group of people who believe mermaids to all be fish-like. Bottom half: fish tail. Top half: humanoid fish akin to Abe Sapien from Hellboy. So all parts will be fish tasting

Did you know….red meat IS, arguably, fish?

The real question is would you get kuru from eating Mermaid?

Red meat, blend, yes.

The real question is, if you had to marry a mermaid, do you want the top half or the bottom half to be a fish?

Thats a good question. I think Surf and Turf also

I still think The Cat had the right idea when he insisted mermaids were the wrong way around.

Brackish meat.

Everyone knows that hooms are the other other white meat.

Just ask [the guy]comment image).

Are people red meat? I always thought it was closer to pork. The other OTHER white meat

I bet it’s like alligator.

“Surf and turf”. LMAO.


Eat a dugong that is a mermaid. They taste similar to pig

This is a the type of question Laois would be asking

This was part of a story line in Simon Spurrier’s run with John Constantine (2019) It was only 12 issues. I forget which of the 12. Maybe the last 2.

how do you cook surf and turf that’s attached?

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