Good thing he never swore to uphold our constitution

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Basically he wants the ability to fire all the judges he reckons would actually see through his bullshit.

Because of course he does.

They always point out the ketamine, never the methamphetamine…

Maga idiocy on full display

I propose unelected persons fucking around with data, in our governmental departments, be deported.

He means the ones that were involved in his companies lawsuits. He’s on a vindictive run against anyone that’s investigated any of his companies

That’s why he wants to get rid of CFPB. He makes shitty products and doesn’t want people to come after him. He’s a dogshit human. There’s also a reason Trump is going after apartheid reparations and it’s a musky one.

MAGA is such an embarrassment

Aileen Cannon would like to have a word

Trump and Musk: fire everyone who do not support us. It’s turning into be a big pillage and plunder party.


So they are going to fire Biden appointed judges next.

Bottom 1% like flouting the Constitution and precedent or bottom 1% like accepting bribes from private prison companies to increase convictions and sentences?

Who the fuck elected this dumb asshole?

Bla bla bla successful business people will help us. Nah, this is a narcissist, nepo grown man apartheid Clyde who benefited from his lies, deciet and Whiteness all his life.

He needs to be stopped.. asap

That’s not how laws work in this country musky

Elon musk is NOT EVEN an elected official. When you ill people understand. Go to mars by yourself bro

What’s this guy doing exactly? Doesn’t he have companies to run?

Legally approved witch hunting. Makes sense….

Start with Thomas Alito and cannon

Why is Elon Trump acting like anyone gives a shit what he says. He’s 👏 Not 👏 an 👏 elected 👏 official. How did this man get so much power. I’ve seen more posts from him than JD Vance. Wonder if Mr. Vance is regretting his decision to work with Donald Musk.

As a law breaking immigrate, shouldn’t he be deported immediately?

Lots of judges are [appointed]( And what other way could ever get Clarence Thomas off the bench?

Honestly we should just get rid of the judiciary. Huge waste of money. Lord Elon knows best, anyway. Why should we question him? /s

Reading comprehension is a thing – he said appointed. Appointed does not equal elected.

I’m sure this would be handled fairly and without an exceedingly obvious bias.

I really wish this elmo nerd would just shut up and go back to Africa

I’d like to propose Elon and Don get punched in the face every morning by a different person who is being affected by their half baked mostly illegal executive actions.

Short the stock

What people, even illegal immigrants like FElon, have to swear when becoming a US citizen:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

HPV Master

Maybe start with the judges that Trump appointed to the Supreme Court
Better yet, get rid of them all and electric the panel, give the people that privilege.

I’d like to propose that people with more than a £€$100 million in wealth should be forced to donate all monies above this limit to good causes, as determined by the United Nations general assembly.

Nobody needs even £€$100 million so there’s zero impact on their life or any possible living standard they prefer to maintain.

An amendment to this rule should prohibit standing for public office for anyone with a net worth of >10 times that specific countries national average.

Leon is the reason our founding fathers never wanted immigrants to become president..

Article 3 of the Constitution just casually draping its nuts on Elmo’s face.

Looks like he just found out what the federalist society is.

Not All judges are elected. Many of the nations highest judges are appointed. I assume that’s what he’s talking about?

Also, local and state judge elections are a farce. That said, I don’t have a better system. If a judge ROYALLY fucks up then the public can do something about it. Otherwise almost nobody knows these people

But ya Elon is fuckin stupid and has no idea what he’s talking about

It’s not idiocy. It’s a step towards eliminating judges that sway from the party line. Obviously they can’t do it in play sight yet so they have to do it that way.

Better idea: let’s throw out the worst 1% of all elected officials every election cycle.

OK Jack Welch

Federal judges aren’t elected.

Musk would put all the judges in one room and play a version of Squid Game but instead of intense challenges it’s just them playing video games against musk’s minions using his profile.

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