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“Yahoo is overbloated” —cool kids back then

Back when “Don’t Be Evil” was the motto….

“We did changed the website a bit” – 2025


Also, their motto is “Don’t Be Evil” to distance themselves from big tech companies who let profit come before morals.

duckduckgo has been my search engine for quite a few years now

Die as a hero or live long enough to become a villain

They used to use MMR to fetch their results at one point if I recall it properly

went from ad free to killing ad blockers
on their browser. what a 180

My first Gmail account was when it was still invite only through a friend. Still use that account to this day.

Go and compare []( and []( (or worse:, the difference is still stark.

Back when we had more than 5 websites

Well, well, how the turntables.


“google A Din”?

Held shift for the wrong character?

I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was in /r/programmersadness


Times have changed.

now they are barely a search engine. if I search for something obscure or abstract I wont get the results I’m looking for. how often did it search for something different then what I wanted because Google thought I was misspelling something. or the there is no search results.

Google is not optimizing “Eat Humble Pie”.

I wasn’t alive back when the internet was this safe

Yo that title is offensive to camelCase. The fuck you doing?

Bring back Altavista!

To be fair towards Google, I just opened on my work laptop, and I don’t see weather, a news feed, sponsors or whatever on that page, and the only ad on Screen is to “install Google chrome”


Back when they liste sites for what they were and who had the best topic. Then it became all about money and if you had enough you owned the top 10 spots.

I was doing an internship in ’99(?) for a German search engine that basically rented its results from others, and I was actually tasked with evaluating this Google thing to see whether it was any good.

Fortunately, I concluded that Google’s PageRank algorithm did actually set it apart from its competition 😀

Fun how every reason they give for why Google is bad is actually a benefit. How time changes our perception

here is the neat part … it still is and if it isn’t, then it’s a skill issue.

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