“We come to work even when we are unwell as we understand the impact it has on our colleagues”
Absolutely. If I cough and splutter around the place for a bit I can inflict the same flu misery on those fuckers too.
2 months ago
Fucking run
2 months ago
“We do it for the love, not the money’. The person that wrote this needs their fingers stamping on. Fucking balloon.
2 months ago
The type of year where you get a new job? That’s fucking disgraceful and I wouldn’t hang around somewhere that actually had the gall to display it.
So you’re not allowed to be tired, not allowed to be injured, not allowed to be sick, and you’re pressured into doing work for free outside of work time for an employer that is basically aknowledging that they’re underpaying you?
C’mon OP, name and shame these fucking scumbags.
2 months ago
I’m actually low-level fuming, having read that.
2 months ago
“We do it for the love not the money”
Helllo, Santander . Can I pay my mortgage with love not money this month? Maybe blow some kisses down the phone to you or something ?
2 months ago
”I suppose I’ve created an atmosphere where I’m a friend first and a boss second. Probably an entertainer third”
OMG. You work for Whitbury Newtown leisure centre and the manager Mr Gordan Brittas has recently been on a staff motivational course!
In all seriousness. RUN. Any business treating it’s employees like that, deserve to go bust.
2 months ago
Dirty Protest in the canteen.
2 months ago
Fiver says this job pays minimum wage and is bloody awful.
Otherwise, excellent for you, but I’d still turn this sideways and shove it straight up that smarmy walloper Jake Humphrey.
2 months ago
All that’s missing is Work Sets You Free 🤚
2 months ago
Join a union, break a rule and get fired, and sue.
2 months ago
Ew take it down
2 months ago
Run, rub like the fucking wind. What a preposterous load of horsehit.
2 months ago
We are a dysfunctional family
2 months ago
“We are always willing to go the extra mile”. There really should be very few “extra miles”, if there are, then something about the business and management is wrong.
“We look forward to coming to work every day”. I do everything I can to ensure this is the case for my team, if they’re not enjoying themselves and are stressed, then I’ve fucked up somewhere. That’s not the responsibility of the individual.
“We tell people when we’re not feeling 100%” and “We do not moan about out aches & pains”… Uhm… Might’ve contradicted yerself there dick’ead.
“We happily do a *lot* of extra work in our own time”… This sounds pretty horrific. Unpaid work. In some cases illegal, in some cases their various insurance providers might be rather displeased depending on how/where that work is happening. Again, there shouldn’t be a *lot* of extra work. If there is then the upper echelons fucking suck at their job. Either their product/service isn’t priced correctly to hire enough people, or their overall plan sucks (and likely c-suite are taking and wasting money).
“We help our team members without being asked”, why are your team afraid to ask for help?
2 months ago
Wipe your arse with it and pin it back up.
2 months ago
The level of effort that went into making that inspirational poster is truly pitiful.
2 months ago
This is the biggest pisstake I’ve ever seen in an office.
2 months ago
Put one up next to but with what a list of what an employee expects from a good employer
2 months ago
Assuming this is real…this is nightmare fuel. Whoever put that up needs a complaint putting in against them. Awful.
2 months ago
Get out of there OP
2 months ago
A year where you update your CV and find a better job.
2 months ago
There’s a perfect space at the bottom to draw a giant comedy penis
2 months ago
Go staple it to the forehead of the jobsworth that made it
2 months ago
If you’re delivering medicine to needy kittens then this is…. actually still bullshit, obviously, but I just know there’s a punchline here where this is the most non-impactful sales job that you must do “for love” and “in your own time”.
At least my last CEO was honest and posted a photo from his yacht when he told the staff that payrises were frozen last year.
(I shit you not. He posted the yacht pic on Instagram and the payrise freeze internally within the same half hour. Didn’t go down well. Everyone with a spine left within weeks.)
2 months ago
Just go in with a pen and add the real meaning in brackets, see if management get the hint.
1. We happily do a lot of extra work in our own time. (Management expects free labour)
2. We commited to this business so always volunteer to attend the events held (Management believe they have rights to my non-working hours)
3. We always help our fellow team members without being asked (If someone fucks up on your team we’re also going to blame you for not doing their job as well)
4. We are always willing to got the extra mile (See point 1)
5. We do it for the love not the money (Wages are shit)
6. We look forward to coming to work everyday (Why does everyone look miserable as sin in this office? Smiles are now mandated)
7. We class ourselves as a family – not just colleagues (please buy into this so we can guilt you into doing things you don’t want to by claiming we’re family)
8. We are happy to always contribute to the business in our own way which impacts positivley (See point 1)
9. We come to work even when we are un-well as we understand the impact it has on our teammates (We don’t care about the health of any employees, generate revenue)
10. We tell people when we are not feeling 100% so they know why we are not our usual self (Contradicts point 13)
11. We are open and honest and if there is something bothering us, we will talk about it (everyone should know about your personal life, no privacy allowed. Contradicts point 13)
12. We do not sit down – we understand this job means we are on the go all day (No breaks, generate revenue)
13. We do not moan about our aches and pains – that’s life (contradicts points 10 & 11)
2 months ago
Reading this and then the comments confirms my every stereotype of you Brits.
You are too polite. You are too forgiving. You are too calm and should not carry on.
As a proud Bosnian, Slavic, southeastern European impolite, blunt and impatient asshole I have one simple advice: fuck this.
Unless you’re participating in the profit sharing, i.e. unless you’re the owner of the business, this is straight up bullshit. And probably American, for that matter. People work for money, not for the experience of working. Work conditions matter, and the company owner and management are responsible and liable for it. Rights & obligations, it’s a two way road.
Ask the management to clarify who authored and authorised the pamphlet. Then ask how it correlates to the company policy regarding, let’s say, sick leave or overtime payments. Ask if the HR has approved it.
Don’t let them Americanise you. Fuck Mike Rowe and his right to work. How about a right to unionise?
2 months ago
“We do it for the love not the money”
You first.
Or does whichever manager posted this have a perfectly good reason why THEY deserve a nice salary but YOU shouldn’t focus on money!
2 months ago
Every time I see something like this, I know that the manager who put this up has no managerial skills at all
2 months ago
That’s a no from me Jim.
2 months ago
Time to name and shame I think.
2 months ago
Get out of there.
Coming into work when you’re unwell? Does anyone remember that pandemic we had a while back?
2 months ago
This is awful. It belongs on r/antiwork.
2 months ago
I’d suggest a counter poster next to it from your union (if applicable) or with ACAS guidance on it on things like, pay for overtime worked, rest periods, breaks and sickness and wellbeing.
You know the legally mandated shit this manager would like you all to ignore.
Also dig out yer old CV and go huntin’..
2 months ago
We had a load of redundancies before Christmas, not to mention hints that the goalposts for our bonus were being moved and any and all pay rises had been frozen.
To address this they flew in a consultant from the US to talk to us about resiliency and banding together in tough times.
I sat through it with gritted teeth, determined to get out, grab a brew and go have a break. Unfortunately the consultant saw that I wasn’t really engaging and picked on me to do a role play exercise.
I’m pretty sure I am now on a list of people who should never be promoted, because I went to town on the poor bastard.
It felt like a slap in the face knowing that my £2500pa skills-based pay rise was turned down, but we were happy enough to pay $5k for this corpo knob to fly business class to the UK for one fucking meeting.
“We come to work even when we are unwell as we understand the impact it has on our colleagues”
Absolutely. If I cough and splutter around the place for a bit I can inflict the same flu misery on those fuckers too.
Fucking run
“We do it for the love, not the money’. The person that wrote this needs their fingers stamping on. Fucking balloon.
The type of year where you get a new job? That’s fucking disgraceful and I wouldn’t hang around somewhere that actually had the gall to display it.
So you’re not allowed to be tired, not allowed to be injured, not allowed to be sick, and you’re pressured into doing work for free outside of work time for an employer that is basically aknowledging that they’re underpaying you?
C’mon OP, name and shame these fucking scumbags.
I’m actually low-level fuming, having read that.
“We do it for the love not the money”
Helllo, Santander . Can I pay my mortgage with love not money this month? Maybe blow some kisses down the phone to you or something ?
”I suppose I’ve created an atmosphere where I’m a friend first and a boss second. Probably an entertainer third”
New job.
OMG. You work for Whitbury Newtown leisure centre and the manager Mr Gordan Brittas has recently been on a staff motivational course!
In all seriousness. RUN. Any business treating it’s employees like that, deserve to go bust.
Dirty Protest in the canteen.
Fiver says this job pays minimum wage and is bloody awful.
Otherwise, excellent for you, but I’d still turn this sideways and shove it straight up that smarmy walloper Jake Humphrey.
All that’s missing is Work Sets You Free 🤚
Join a union, break a rule and get fired, and sue.
Ew take it down
Run, rub like the fucking wind. What a preposterous load of horsehit.
We are a dysfunctional family
“We are always willing to go the extra mile”. There really should be very few “extra miles”, if there are, then something about the business and management is wrong.
“We look forward to coming to work every day”. I do everything I can to ensure this is the case for my team, if they’re not enjoying themselves and are stressed, then I’ve fucked up somewhere. That’s not the responsibility of the individual.
“We tell people when we’re not feeling 100%” and “We do not moan about out aches & pains”… Uhm… Might’ve contradicted yerself there dick’ead.
“We happily do a *lot* of extra work in our own time”… This sounds pretty horrific. Unpaid work. In some cases illegal, in some cases their various insurance providers might be rather displeased depending on how/where that work is happening. Again, there shouldn’t be a *lot* of extra work. If there is then the upper echelons fucking suck at their job. Either their product/service isn’t priced correctly to hire enough people, or their overall plan sucks (and likely c-suite are taking and wasting money).
“We help our team members without being asked”, why are your team afraid to ask for help?
Wipe your arse with it and pin it back up.
The level of effort that went into making that inspirational poster is truly pitiful.
This is the biggest pisstake I’ve ever seen in an office.
Put one up next to but with what a list of what an employee expects from a good employer
Assuming this is real…this is nightmare fuel. Whoever put that up needs a complaint putting in against them. Awful.
Get out of there OP
A year where you update your CV and find a better job.
There’s a perfect space at the bottom to draw a giant comedy penis
Go staple it to the forehead of the jobsworth that made it
If you’re delivering medicine to needy kittens then this is…. actually still bullshit, obviously, but I just know there’s a punchline here where this is the most non-impactful sales job that you must do “for love” and “in your own time”.
At least my last CEO was honest and posted a photo from his yacht when he told the staff that payrises were frozen last year.
(I shit you not. He posted the yacht pic on Instagram and the payrise freeze internally within the same half hour. Didn’t go down well. Everyone with a spine left within weeks.)
Just go in with a pen and add the real meaning in brackets, see if management get the hint.
1. We happily do a lot of extra work in our own time. (Management expects free labour)
2. We commited to this business so always volunteer to attend the events held (Management believe they have rights to my non-working hours)
3. We always help our fellow team members without being asked (If someone fucks up on your team we’re also going to blame you for not doing their job as well)
4. We are always willing to got the extra mile (See point 1)
5. We do it for the love not the money (Wages are shit)
6. We look forward to coming to work everyday (Why does everyone look miserable as sin in this office? Smiles are now mandated)
7. We class ourselves as a family – not just colleagues (please buy into this so we can guilt you into doing things you don’t want to by claiming we’re family)
8. We are happy to always contribute to the business in our own way which impacts positivley (See point 1)
9. We come to work even when we are un-well as we understand the impact it has on our teammates (We don’t care about the health of any employees, generate revenue)
10. We tell people when we are not feeling 100% so they know why we are not our usual self (Contradicts point 13)
11. We are open and honest and if there is something bothering us, we will talk about it (everyone should know about your personal life, no privacy allowed. Contradicts point 13)
12. We do not sit down – we understand this job means we are on the go all day (No breaks, generate revenue)
13. We do not moan about our aches and pains – that’s life (contradicts points 10 & 11)
Reading this and then the comments confirms my every stereotype of you Brits.
You are too polite. You are too forgiving. You are too calm and should not carry on.
As a proud Bosnian, Slavic, southeastern European impolite, blunt and impatient asshole I have one simple advice: fuck this.
Unless you’re participating in the profit sharing, i.e. unless you’re the owner of the business, this is straight up bullshit. And probably American, for that matter. People work for money, not for the experience of working. Work conditions matter, and the company owner and management are responsible and liable for it. Rights & obligations, it’s a two way road.
Ask the management to clarify who authored and authorised the pamphlet. Then ask how it correlates to the company policy regarding, let’s say, sick leave or overtime payments. Ask if the HR has approved it.
Don’t let them Americanise you. Fuck Mike Rowe and his right to work. How about a right to unionise?
“We do it for the love not the money”
You first.
Or does whichever manager posted this have a perfectly good reason why THEY deserve a nice salary but YOU shouldn’t focus on money!
Every time I see something like this, I know that the manager who put this up has no managerial skills at all
That’s a no from me Jim.
Time to name and shame I think.
Get out of there.
Coming into work when you’re unwell? Does anyone remember that pandemic we had a while back?
This is awful. It belongs on r/antiwork.
I’d suggest a counter poster next to it from your union (if applicable) or with ACAS guidance on it on things like, pay for overtime worked, rest periods, breaks and sickness and wellbeing.
You know the legally mandated shit this manager would like you all to ignore.
Also dig out yer old CV and go huntin’..
We had a load of redundancies before Christmas, not to mention hints that the goalposts for our bonus were being moved and any and all pay rises had been frozen.
To address this they flew in a consultant from the US to talk to us about resiliency and banding together in tough times.
I sat through it with gritted teeth, determined to get out, grab a brew and go have a break. Unfortunately the consultant saw that I wasn’t really engaging and picked on me to do a role play exercise.
I’m pretty sure I am now on a list of people who should never be promoted, because I went to town on the poor bastard.
It felt like a slap in the face knowing that my £2500pa skills-based pay rise was turned down, but we were happy enough to pay $5k for this corpo knob to fly business class to the UK for one fucking meeting.