Got laid off last Friday company is asking me to return one week later

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Take it while you job hunt.

If the job wasn’t hard and they give you a fat raise consider it.

You can always look for another job while working there. Also, job>no job

Don’t ask for a raise — ask for a spot bonus. A raise only pays if they keep you long term. A spot bonus pays you today.

I think it’s definitely worth having a conversation about *why* and what’s going on before accepting. Is it something like they were out of compliance–do you have a certification they need? Do you have organizational knowledge they need, like logins? Did someone else leave? If they don’t have a good specific reason they’re willing to share, I might be wary. They might be trying to reset your tenure to shaft you on a policy about retirement, a law on payout for PTO, or unemployment. They also may be trying to or reduce your pay, or turn you into a 1099 worker.

Probably you accept no matter what because looking for work in November and December is absolutely impossible, but I’d look through their offer with a fine-toothed comb, get all promises and offers in writing, and don’t stop looking for a new job.

Did you like the job? Go back but make sure you approach it as if you are doing them a favour. Get a big raise out of it. They are desperate and the ball is in your court or else they wouldnt ask you back. Leave your pride and emotions at home, this is business, people get laid off and rehired and terminated and let go for a myriad of reasons every day. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. If they don’t want to pay you what you think all this trouble was worth to you, and what you’re worth, dont be afraid to say you need to think about it and will call them back. They will probably call you later with more money, because it sounds like they messed up.

My son was given a temporary furlough during COVID. 

After one day they called him and asked him to return. 

I told him that would probably be good for his career. 

Since then he was moved from contractor to full time.  He was promoted twice in the next few years and they paid for his masters degree program.  He graduates with his MS in a few weeks.   He is making almost double.  

The moral:  now they realize they need you.  If they are smart, they will reward you in the not too distant future.  If they are stupid, they’ll ignore you. So hunt for other jobs in the meantime in case they are foolish.  


Take it. End of the year is tricky to get hired on. Benefits are important. If you have interviews lined up let them know you made doctor’s appointments since you were off ask for that time off and follow through with them. You can always leave if you find something else.

Ask for a raise

If you liked the job, it pays well, and except for this, you are comfortable with it… it wouldn’t hurt to come in, ask to go over the reasons/thought processes that went into laying you off… so you are more confident going forward.

Believe it or not, a company is made up of many people… some of which make very dumb decisions and/or a decision that seems correct atvtbe time, but is horrible in hindsight.

Also… see if you can get a meeting with the actual company owners 👍.

I have been in a company where my manager didn’t care much for me, but the owner was very happy with me.

It is a bit uncomfortable, but I doubt you will be laid off again. (ie.. the owners told your manager “you shouldn’t have done that, get him back… and oh by the way, don’t do that again”.)

You now have leverage.

If you decline this after a lay off, versus being fired, it can make you ineligible for unemployment benefits.

I’d take it to bring in money while still searching. The markets are pretty bad

Better then unemployment. Take it but keep looking for something better….

I’ve seen this. The company used this tactic to avoid unemployment. When they were notified of an unemployment claim, they would contact the person with an offer. If the person declined, they reported it to the unemployment agency to end benefits. If the person accepted they would find a reason to fire them with cause quickly.

Ask for a $5000 retention bonus. Get it in writing.

As long as you didn’t absolutely hate it, take it and job hunt when you’re not working. You’ll have ultimate leverage by going back.

100% take it and continue to job hunt. Unless you can get them to guarantee 2-3 years salary – in writing – but I’d keep looking anyway 🙂

Oh, and get a signing bonus with no conditions attached

1. Make sure this isn’t gonna mess up any unemployment money situation
2. Make sure they know you need a raise to even consider this

I’d start there, but I agree once the damage is done I feel those resentments stay. It’s not like they are your friend they are a job provider. Best wishes.

Depends on how much you need the money.

It’s obvious that you have leverage here since they’re practically begging you to come back. So good on you for that. 

If you want to be risky, you can play the field and not go back. Or ask for a nice pay raise and see if they bite. 

If you’re broke, you may want to consider accepting their offer as is. 

Take the job. Ask to be back paid for the week as a courtesy, keep applying for jobs and take the next offer that comes along.

Its better to job hunt when you have a job.

Thank you for all the comments. I didn’t expect to receive so much advice! I’m trying to read every comment and take all your advice into consideration. So far, I haven’t signed anything, but I did receive an offer letter with a significant pay raise and a one-year guarantee of employment. I’m considering asking for some kind of severance agreement to be added, but I’m worried that might be asking for too much. Either way, thank you to everyone who took the time to share their wisdom with me.

What’s the backstory here? You were laid off from a part-time role? Why?

Obviously take it but keep looking 

I would take it.

I would make sure that the compensation was worth it.

I would make sure that they agree not to terminate prior to 1 year, without at least a silver parachute.

And I would keep looking as well.

Looks like if you dont return someone is going to get in trouble

I was fired 10 times as a waiter and rehired back from the same restaurant, lol..

I read your other post OP. It sounds like they were moving things around (making budget cuts, and cutting staff) and didn’t realize they need a records technician, but figured someone else could do the job that they intended to keep. Now that they realize, they need you to do the job and they want you back. It’s not the worst situation. I wouldn’t have any trust or loyalty to these people, but in the situation you have, I would go back.

The only reason you should not go back, is if you feel that your skilled set/field is in such hot demand that you can easily find another job when you feel like it. This is rarely the case in most situations.

Tell your boss you’re going to need to talk details and get everything in writing.

It’s full time, but to do what?

What changed and why?

Ask whatever other questions you want, but make sure you get everything in writing.

And then reiterate all of your job duties on your first day back in writing.

You can generate a Google Doc and send it to your boss for approval. Once they click approve the doc gets locked and everything is timestamped.

“Hi – I might be able to, though I’d need you to confirm I’ll be getting a raise to at least (AMOUNT). I’ve been job hunting and can easily get that much at other workplaces but if you can match that I’d be willing to consider withdrawing my applications elsewhere.”

I’d make them pay the layoff week…

Double the amount of vacation time, at minimum a 30% pay raise, and they cover 100% of benefits + 100% 401k match immediately.

You got em by the balls now.

Ask for a really big raise. And extra vacation.

Lots of comments here, most of them missing the most important thing.

Ask for at least a 1 year contract, with a bonus

Tell them you want a 20% increase…

Then take the job and continue to search elsewhere… Company will do the same again down the line if they need to, keep one foot out the door.

Bonus time

If it comes with a raise do it. It needs to come with a raise though, negotiate the shit out of a raise.

Take the job, negotiate severence that if you’re terminted from the company for anything other than gross negligence or voluntary termination (you quitting) then they have to pay you for 12 months of work, get it written in your employment contract.

If you take the job without negotiating, they will lay you off again immediately after you solve their problem.

I went to read your other post. It doesn’t sound like it’s your manager or immediate team’s fault. The decision was out of your control and it happens, in all fields.

Honestly, I would take the job while I look elsewhere, since you may feel resentment and the trust isn’t there. Just want to mention to read and make sure there isn’t some kind of terms saying you have to stay there for an x amount of time. It just sounds like this company don’t know what they want

Job market is tough, having a job is better than no job. Not sure what your financial situation looks like, but that also plays a role.

Take the job with a one year guarantee contract at 10% higher wage then look for another job.


Take it because you got to put food on the table like most of us.

Take the offer and know that you’re “at risk”, so start interviewing elsewhere.

Makes no sense in my opinion to stand on principal when you could just get some money while you look.

Leaving on your own terms is much less stressful than being laid off and possibly being forced to take whatever you can get, as you’ve had a taste of already.

Take the job.

Keep looking for a new job.

You’re in the drivers’ seat. See if you can swing better pay or hours.

Ask for a triple raise of what you were getting,
If you were getting 20$ an hour, go for 28$

Go with a raise, keep on hunting for better roles on the side.

Get everything you want in writing

More info please. 😀

In this job market, I’d take it and continue to look elsewhere. I agree the trust is gone, but get that paycheck while you can.

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