Got my boyfriend this for his birthday, just found it at our local thrift store this morning.

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comment image?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76775e7267bdc9911467e74f374aff7cf8c24a16

i love that i’m chronically online today so i saw the post from earlier today 😭

*I understood that reference.*

I know this is fake, but damn I would get rid of it too lol.

I have a feeling we will see s’more of these posts

I know I’m on Reddit too much when I understand this reference

You should buy it and put it back where he could find it.


I love when Reddit, Reddit’s like this

Ahh, this whole situation is just a ruse for karma farming. Got it.

Buy it

Take it home and say “look now we have two so we can cook side by side, go get yours”

Boyfriend or husband?

Even if this is a joke it’s just sad. Trying to twist the story and make it seem like he’s the bad guy when he’s just trying to lose weight.

I had a feeling that first post was bait and now this one solidifies what I thought.


comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e819f56a10b24ea5fdd41d4da508859056447d16

Just gonna put this here and walk away

are you the one who got pissed your other half was lighter weight than you?

Reddit eating itself even quicker these days.


Gifts are gifts. If they aren’t used or given away, that means the giver doesn’t know the recipient as well as they think they do. Take it as a learning experience.

So you basically called him out on his secret embarrassing guilty pleasure on the one day of the year that he should be celebrated.
I know this probably staged but pisses me off anyways

Not excusing him for being a baby and throwing it, but that’s a terrible gift. It’s huge, single purpose, and doesn’t look easy to clean.

Pretty sure original post by husband was real and this one is a fake because they happened to see this at a store.

I think your boyfriend may have posted on this reddit subgroup earlier today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

Buy better gifts *shrugs*

this is a dumb waste of cabinet space

who wants crap like this sitting in their closet/cabinet?

I’m here for the lore drops

This sub is becoming a meta one.

that was a fucking terrible gift honestly. Is he 10 years old?

I just saw the other post for this

I’m crying

I know what post this is from

This is next-level trolling. Well done.

He doesn’t want it. He’s trying to lose weight. Get him a smoothie maker or something to help him with his weight loss journey. Or, just get of his way.

comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a10c81acab4bccdaf05f7c8170c57a15e6ad4f

I love how I can go to thrift shops and just take pictures of random stuff there and send them to the appropriate person or group chat instead of actually buying it and it is just as fun as long as I leave with like one or two things lol

Shitty gift

Hol up

Did you say he threw it? Is your boyfriend a teenager with anger issues??

Funny-I was reading a post from some dude who said his GF gave him one of these for his birthday.

*and this is how i knew i spent too much time on Reddit and should jump off a bridge instead*

Morgan Freeman: **but she did not jump off the bridge, she went to the doggie side of reddit instead**

hm.. boyfriend or husband?

He literally made a post abt this saying he thought you were just mad that he was lighter than you and you were self conscious. His words not mine.

Landfill fodder.

How often does he make fondue? Seems like a ridiculous present, buy it back and return it. Moving forward don’t buy super niche crap that’ll never get used and just create clutter.

So your boyfriend was the one that posted this earlier complaining about what a stupid gift this is

Well stop hating on his weight loss journey just because you cant lose weight as fast as him.


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x