Got the Boot?

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Free. Speech. Absolutist.

โ€œIโ€™m a free speech absolutist as long as I absolutely agree with the speech.โ€

The truth hurts

What he meant was he paid $44B to “arbitrate” free speech.

The rule that was violated, hurting Leon’s fee-fees, what a snowflake he is. He’s probably running home to Musty Maye right now so she can dry his tears.

What was the reason musk gave for buying twitter again? ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ


โ€˜For humankind cannot bear much realityโ€™ โ€” canโ€™t believe loony loomer may have been guilty of telling the truth (or accidentally spitting a fact), but she got shanked for dissent against the most powerful illegal immigrant everโ€ฆ..

Elon is a free speech absolutist. If your free speech doesn’t match his, you will absolutely be banned from X. He’s such a tool!

New Title:

President Musk suppresses the First Amendment. Vice President Trump has no comment.

I’m loving watching the knives come out in real time. Things are going to get really dark really fast but trump’s ass-lickers turning on each other before he even take office is fun.ย 

The only power Twitter has is that people use it. Stop using it. Take away the power. You have the power. Just walk away. Just walk away.

Hilarious! I’ve always said that right wingers don’t like each other. I always used to follow the Southern Poverty Law Center, and they track the extreme right. It seems like the white supremacists kill each other almost as much as they kill anyone else! They are going to end up fighting for their niche issues and never get anything done beyond hurting people.

He doesn’t want anyone to point out that paying a very senior H1B visa holder costs about 50% of what you’d have to pay the same level experienced US citizen.

Such a bunch of grifters, the whole lot of them.

But…the free speech?

I’m confused and starting to think the illegal student visa having apartheid baby who lives off government subsidies may not be the greatest creator and worthy of richest man alive …maybe he’s a soft skinned lonely angry sadboy?


What’s fascinating to me about this whole spat is that Trump is nowhere to be found. The man who normally can’t resist getting in twitter fights is noticeably absent.

I wonder if Musk put a muzzle on him.

This shit would be hilarious if they werenโ€™t the leeches trying to run the fucking country.

I am sure he doesn’t care but I am sure even he can see that the optics on this aren’t… ideal

Leave your X

so weird… she didn’t get banned for all the horrid shit she said about Harris during the election….. I can’t figure out what is different about what she’s said the past 24 hours though.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

“Free speech absolutist” ~ Elon Musk

They can always dish it out but cry like a little puss-puss if they get called to the carpet.

Why is anyone on X?

Lmmfao!!! Trump isn’t even in office yet & his entourage is a friggin mess. Can you imagine voting for these freaks & weirdos? Like, WTF is wrong with our country, y’all??? What on EARTH happened to so many people that they totally forgot about Jan 6, covid, the Trump economy,ย  etc? Why are we allowing the dumbest, most hateful idiots choose our “leaders?”


This is what happens when a loser little titty-baby has sole ownership of a social media platform: No one is safe from his petulant whims.

Sounds like cancel culture to me ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Does anyone have any popcorn? I’m out for the day!

Cisgender woman surprised she got the boot from Twitter.

I knew this was coming. Picking a fight with a manchild is always ugly.

Theyโ€™d be nothing without hypocrisy

This should end, in its entirety, the concept of Musk being a free speech advocate. At any point in the future, if someone claims musk bought Twitter to support free speech or whatever, bring this up and force them to explain this. It is impossible to reconcile the polar opposite ideas that musk supports free speech, yet should be able to silence loomer. A free speech absolutist would never silence anyone, even if they were saying the most offensive things directly to them.

Except conservatives live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance, and in order to protect themselves they ignore reality quite often, so I do not have faith that they will suddenly wake up to the lies

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