Got this spot checked in a routine derm appointment just to be on the safe side

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Omg. This is something I would totally ignore. Was there discomfort or just the blemish? Best wishes

Damn Iโ€™m glad you caught that in time! Can you share what made you go to the doctor? Did it hurt or anything? It looks so unsuspecting

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That totally doesn’t look like some concerning other than it not going away for weeks! Glad you caught it early and best of luck on your treatment!

I have hundreds of moles and always scared I’m going to miss a funky one.

DAMN. That looks indistinguishable from a welt. I drink to your health

Looks like a Basal Cell Carcinoma, very common in Australia and one of the less risky forms of skin cancer.

Still something that needs to be surgically addressed. Have a quick Google of “neglected basal cell carcinoma” to see what happens if you ignore them long enough (NSFW).

Thatโ€™s cancer?!

One of my fears is getting something like this where I wonโ€™t see/notice it.

[Remember your ABCDEs people!](

Catching it early is the most important part!

Good thing it was on the neck.

My uncle had it on the bottom of his foot and it was already pretty advanced by the time he even NOTICED it.

Sorry OP. Iโ€™ve had basal and squamous CC. Both removed via Mohs. I just had my 6 month check today and got another biopsy done for a bump on my back. Being fair skinned is an adventure later in life.

Itโ€™s important to not ignore things. I ignored a headache for over a month- it turned out to be a brain tumor causing hydrocephalus! Doctors said I had 2-3 weeks left to live if I didnโ€™t come in.

Well, shit. I have a similar looking spot and no insurance. Pray for me if youโ€™re into that. Thoughts also accepted. OP I am sincerely hoping the best for you!

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Hey! Another neck spot person! This little feller grew over a couple years, turned out to be melanomaโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Two of my acquaintances have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (pancreatic and lung, both metastatic) in the last few weeks. Iโ€™m taking nothing for granted, blemishes, lumps, bumps, everything gets checked out.

Shit like this scares the fuck outta me because I have spots. I have tons of spots. I’ve got marks that appeared without any reason and spots that poke out further than they should. I even have a lump on my arm that’s been there for years. It all seems normal idk what it would have to look like for me to go to a dermatologist. By time I realized that spot is not normal I’d be a dead man walking

There is no way. Funny thing is I was this post and only the title and thought, Jesus some people really overreact. Then I saw the description ๐Ÿคฃ

Hope itโ€™s all ok.

Fuck BCC. I have it all over my body, especially my scalp and face.ย 

Not me now being paranoid about the small pink spot that’s been on my arm for the last decade or the number of age spots on my forearms.


Having pale skin is not sun-friendly.

This doesn’t suck, it’s an awesome catch.ย  It most certainly hasn’t spread, which is the real issue with skin cancer.

My wife sees the dermatologist twice a year. Seems like there’s always something like this or worse to deal with.

Glad you’re getting it fixed.

My melanomas have just been little bitty unassuming moles to the naked eye. Crazy how skin cancer is so damn sneaky.

Way to trust your gut! In September 2020 I developed a similar spot on the bridge of my nose, and I had a hunch it was not good. My PCP said it was probably from all the covid masking, and just give it time to heal. I saw a dermatologist on my own in March 2021: Basal cell carcinoma, Mohs procedure to remove.

And yeah, after the local anesthesia wore off, it felt like Mike Tyson had punched me in the face. (I also got a nail in my tire pulling out of the surgeonโ€™s office. Luckily there was a tire shop a block away.)

Good luck; fingers crossed for no flat tire and minimal scarring.

Good catch. If that is cancer then I really need to get checked

Good job getting a skin cancer screening! You’re a star!

Thats terrifying how small and unnoticeable something like that is. What if it was somewhere else you couldn’t easily see?


I BCC on the tip of my nose, radiation five times a week for seven weeks to treat it

Wow, way to follow your gut, OP! Here’s to a speedy recovery โค๏ธโค๏ธ

I had a thing on my nose for 9 months. Now I have a big scar on my nose forever. Go get it checked out.

Does your spot have any unusual texture or is it just pink? Iโ€™m now concerned about something on myself that I thought was just broken blood vesselsโ€ฆ

Stuff like this concerns me because Iโ€™d never catch it. I have a skin condition that leaves lots of permanent blemishes and if something like this showed up I would just assume it was due to my skin condition.

I had the smallest scratch on my nose and it wasn’t healing. I would have never thought that much of but I go see a dermatologist every year and it turned out to be cancer. Thankfully it was caught early where it didn’t cause too much damage.

I definitely recommend seeing a dermatologist yearly for a body scan!

I had a mole on my hip that iโ€™ve had as long as I can remember. 4 years ago, when I was in nursing school, we were learning about the signs of skin cancers.

my mole checked off every one on the list, except it was not growing and was stagnant for 15 years of my life.

I ended up going to the dermatologist to be safe, and surprise surprise, it was stage 1 melanoma.

all I needed was for them to excuse the skin around it, and I had 10 stitches and a huge scar on my hip, but it couldโ€™ve been so much worse.

iโ€™m so lucky that this mole I had for many many years decided not to metastasize, but I now am a firm believer if you think something is weird on your skin, get checked.

I salute your dermatologist.

I have odd-looking little moles and discolorations all over my body. The last time I went to a dermatologist to have them checked out, he glanced at a few of the moles on my back, shrugged, and said, “Meh, they look okay.”

Iโ€™m now suspiciously checking myself for any red spots

How would someone with colored skin find something like this?

Being long retired, skin tears, bruises, abrasions from unknown causes happen weekly. I just ignore them. You are wiser!

Man, my skin looks worse than this since birth. I would never had caught that. Holy shit! Good for you catching it early. Hope your treatment goes well.

Basil Cell Badass Club. Welcome!

The possibility of something as small as that being cancer is terrifying

I would have never even noticed that. I’m so happy you didn’t ignore it! I hope you have a swift recovery.

Me with like 50 “spots” ๐Ÿ˜…

Looks like a basal cell…. Kinda wild that it just popped up like that.

Managed to catch testicular cancer early by getting a sudden lump checked out.


Iโ€™m early 70โ€™s, and Iโ€™ve been going in for an annual screening every year for 30+ years. Every year they freeze off several precancerous spots. Cut out a few to biopsy. Luckily they were benign. Copay is a small price to pay for peace of mind

Suddenly, my PCM’s suggestion for a routine total skin check doesn’t sound so bad

Guys…most of the insurance companies cover a annual skin check, Go! They check from head to toe, things we don’t see/feel and don’t think anything of, please get your skin checked annually.
Glad you got this checked and best of luck!

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