Got this text just now… RIP

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This conversation is wild for so many reasons

Yikes… I’d get checked if I were you. Also, STDs don’t care if you have a vasectomy.

People are really out here rawdogging complete strangers? Are they stupid?

She was very polite for someone not knowing who get her preggers

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STDs do still exist…. 

fuckin strangers raw in this political climate is diabolical

That burning sensation when you piss is probably the indicator of knowing you didn’t get her pregnant…

Have you got a little itch 😀

I got the same text from her!

Prove us you had a vasectomy, OP. SHOW US YOUR BALLS!


You can absolutely make someone pregnant without coming. Precum can have sperm in it and a vasectomy doesn’t protect you from STDs and there are cases where the vasectomy reverses itself. You are doing the celebratory dance a little early.

If nothing else, I’m glad you got a vasectomy.

Fun fact. 13-41% chance pre-ejaculate contains Sperm.

uhhh, precum can absolutely get some one pregnant and vasectomies can fail. Source, my son.

So you didn’t use protection with someone you’re not even seeing ? Yikes.

This is so fake lol

She is just going down the list lol. On to the next call

This is the wildest take on “Understandable, have a nice day,” that I have ever seen.

Vasectomies can reverse themselves

Precum can get a person pregnant, you dont need to finish.

Probably not yours but you may wanna get your count checked

I had a FWB who I had known for years. I was not interested in a serious relationship. She caught feelings and wanted to get serious. Right when I broke it off, she told me she was pregnant. That’s when I told her I had a vasectomy years ago (I had told her this before but she must have forgotten). I did all the tests just in case. I was definitely still shooting blanks. After a week or two of trying to convince me I am the father and telling everyone else that I was, she admitted she was screwing someone else at the same time. Not a big deal if she was because we were only FWB but it would have been nice to know because of the STD risk. There were many mutual friends angry with me for not supporting her. She came off of birth control without telling me, got pregnant by someone else and used the pregnancy to try and guilt me into committing to a relationship.

There were a lot of lies and attempted manipulation. She has not talked to me since and I am good with that. I often wonder how many people’s relationships are based on the same pretense.

Mate I’d get an STD test

Op. You dummy

Well… that was a turn around in the conversation. The more I read it, the more questions I have.

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