Government of Canada paying for billboards in the Detroit area explaining what tariffs are

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The bit saying ‘paid for by Canada’ is really going to confuse the Americans it was aimed at.

The ones not confused didn’t need the message.

Saw one today in Charlotte NC

I saw a billboard with this exact message here in Macon, Georgia.

They’ve been heavily marketing on cable TV for months. It’s interesting to see a country marketing in advertisements to try to move public sentiment but here we are.

There are four kinds of American:

Those who know this, and already voted Democrat/are protesting and boycotting

Those who will never believe this because Donald Trump has ordered them not to believe this

Those who aren’t paying attention and don’t know why Canada is yelling the definition of “tariff” at them

And those who can’t read the fucking sign.

Source: am stuck down here.

Saw a very similar one in Lorain Ohio today.

Yeah, exactly..! All tariffs do is bump up the prices on both domestic and imported goods on the consumer..!

Granted the technical term is meant to represent fees placed on imported goods, but on a global economic scale, does that really matter?

If only we can import eggs from Canada.

For context, America currently imports 90% of its potash from canada. What’s potash? Fertilizer for your crops, groceries kinda need it. If you’re trying to be a self sustaining country and don’t need Canada or the rest of the world. How are you going to fertilize your crops? Shit could get expensive.


81% of Americans surveyed ask: What are tariffs and why are they taxed?

Wow, and where does Canada get the money to pay for these billboards?

We’re taxed on everything else bro this is nothing new.

Canada should practice what they preach.

Canada must be hurting pretty bad if they feel the need to spend money on billboards in the US. Kind of counter productive (unless they own the billboards) cause the money is still coming into the US.

So tariffs are a tax. Then why would any country “answer” with their own “tax” that it’s own citizens will now pay? Why not just let America “tax” itself via tariffs?

That’s literally paid for by Canadian tax payer money so 👍

They aren’t wrong at all, idk why yall are complaining. Like yeah, its literally an undisputed fact on a billboard what are yall getting mad at? That it’s Canada doing it?

We’ve had tariffs from Canada forever

Detroit is primarily blue/democratic by a large margin and voted vehemently against the orange turd. This message would be more beneficial further north (U.P.)

why the fuck is my government wasting money paying businesses in the US

Thank you for supporting American businesses with your taxes, Canadian taxpayers. I’m sure yall love that.

I don’t like seeing propaganda billboards purchased by another country’s government.

Good looking out from our *southern* neighbor

What a waste of money.

Legitimately asking — is this legal?

I would have assumed would be a ban on foreign governments political advertising, especially after all the Russia election interference talk from a few years back.

Love it.

I love this

Guess it’s ok that Canada over tariffs the US on things.

Cool, spending my tax dollars on more retarted shit.

So Canada had no issues with their tariffs on us. Ok cool

canada sure seems worried about something thats supposedly gonna pass 100% of the cost on to the consumer in the united states

God, I love you Canada. From a pissed off American, keep it up.

This comment section reads like r/trump lmao

So then why are all these countries retaliating with tariffs of their own?

“That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!”

Canadians complaining about taxes is pretty funny.

So why does Canada insist on applying tarrifs on American food hmmm

MAGA be like “no u”

Imagine spending tax payer dollars advertising on billboards in another country. Insane. But judging from the comments, most people here are also insane.

hehe Canada is panicking. just bend the knee Canada. you won’t win

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