Gov’t is above the law

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Im never voting Hunter for president again

To be fair, the Supreme Court made this decision long before Biden did.

Edit: A reminder not to feed the trolls. They love the hate they receive, as they’re so starved for attention. Provide them with their desired downvotes and move along.

I think if Trump had gone to sentencing for his 34 felonies, this would piss me off. But I’m of the mind now that the era of accountability is officially over. It’s always been skewed but when they just decided to pretend Trump’s 34 felonies, from a jury mind you, never happened, all bets are off.

He did the crime. He admitted to the crime. He sought punishment that was normally dispensed for said crime. He received a disproportionately greater punishment for the same crime others have committed.

If you honestly don’t believe this wasn’t political, you must have been asleep for two years while Republicans in Congress were saying “Hunter Biden” on repeat like it was supposed to mean something. You must have missed them publicly attacking the judge and prosecutor on the case. In the name of appearing unbiased they went ahead and did something biased.

Also, to the title of the post: yes, the government is above the law. Qualified immunity is a shit take by a shit SCOTUS.

It makes no sense for him to hold the moral ground, let his son go to jail and see a new government full of criminals.

Considering what we have entering the White House in a month I think tut tut tsk tsking Biden about this is absurdly bad taste. The next guy pardoned all the people who actually saw credible convictions and indictments as a result of Russiagate. Hunter has been investigated and harassed for 8 fucking years as a political weapon against his father. Stop pretending you care

Hunter was convicted of lying on an ATF form about his drug use, and for not paying enough taxes. They are crimes, sure. But they are a crimes that numerous people commit without being indicted for. They should probably be better enforced, but Hunter was clearly specifically targeted. If Hunter and Joe weren’t in the limelight, theres no way the indictment would have happened.

If people are mad at this, but not mad about the pardoning of Paul Manafort or Roger Stone, pardons which had literally no legitimate reasons, then they are hypocrites and imbeciles.

Maybe Biden saw a 34 time felon get elected president and realized that some people are above the law.

Does this person think that every presidential pardon means that the individual is “above the law” or is it just because it’s Biden that’s doing it.

Also Hunter Biden isn’t part of the government.

>!Part of me also feels like this is ignoring that the current cases against trump are going away because he won the presidency which is more of a ‘trump is above the law’ sort of thing than this. But that’s also some ‘whataboutism’ on my part!<

Oh no, the people who elected a rapist are mad Biden pardoned his son. LMAOOOO

Dude might stop playing by the rules that the GOP burned and pissed on a long time ago.

Good on him for not letting the next administration give him the death penalty for a crime that usually gets a slap on the wrist.

Trump hasn’t been held accountable for SERIOUS FUCKING CRIMES against fellow human beings, this country, and other countries around the world.

I. Don’t. Care.

I cruise r/conservative and I gotta say I was surprised by a lot of the comments talking about the choices trump made to pardon last time, almost in defence of Biden. Tbh as a non-american this pardon law has always seemed weird- is it not “corrupt” just in general? Seems like both of them have used this power as they are allowed to?

Minor detail: Biden made Hunter go through the entire criminal process. Hunter got no shortcuts.

damn, lot of Rs upset about someone being pardoned for exercising their second amendment right

I mean its pretty clear Hunter was only targeted because of his relation to the POTUS and Biden’s official statement acknowledged that, shit take OP

Trump has 34 felonies and will become president, I don’t give a shit

With all the people Trump pardoned in his first term, I’d say this is fair. Watch the GOP have a fit over this, wanting to impeach Biden or push Trump’s inauguration early in order to somehow arrest Biden.

Hunter Biden isn’t in the government what the hell does this title even mean

I am going to be honest, I don’t care that President Biden went back on his ‘promise’ and decided to pardon his son. Anyone else (Republican or Democrat) would have done the same thing. The truth is that there are people who are above the law in the US. That person is not Hunter Biden, it is Donald Trump. I also care more about the executive of the US committing obstruction, defrauding the American people, inciting insurrection, etc. than a private citizen lying on a ATF form.

“Actual or potential” crimes? So… not real crimes than?

people elected a rapist chomo felon, nothing in this stupid country matters anymore

It’s good to see so many Trump voters mad over this lol. Didn’t hear a peep from those bitches when Trump pardoned anyone

I honestly don’t care about the discourse anymore we’re gonna get tarrif’d to oblivion anyway

A pardon doesn’t make someone above the law.

It’s almost like the Republican Party has weaponized the government to attack people with the last name of Biden for . . . *checks notes . . . having the last name of Biden. We’ll ignore the allegations that Donald sold pardons in his last few days in office, or that Donald pardon about 200 people, quiet a few of whom were violent offenders. Then there’s Donald naming recent pardoned by . . . *checks notes . . . Donald criminal Kushner as ambassador to France. Next up? The Supreme Court creating the concept of “presidential immunity” to keep Donald from being tried for the theft of classified documents or the clear attempt at a coup that he lead.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say the Democrats didn’t start the whole “this person is above the law” trend.

Seeing Biden get noted for pardoning his son is crazy when the dude who is rising to power is literally a convicted felon.

Didn’t Trump do the exact same thing like multiple times?? Oh wait he DID. Quit nitpicking if you can’t hold your side accountable. It makes you look like a fool.

Congressional Republicans interfered in Hunter’s criminal cases, which is the exact reason pardons were created, to protect citizens from a tyrannical government imprisoning people for political reasons.

And of course the numerous felons Trump pardoned then gave cushy government jobs to didn’t indicate that at all. Nor did his being shielded from prosecution. It was the guy who got railroaded being pardoned who caused brought the proof.

The country already proved that by electing Trump again, who I remind everyone should have been eliminated from contention by the 14th amendment. What exactly did Hunter Biden do that was so bad? Lied on a gun form? So they witch hunted him, violated his privacy, and when they couldn’t find anything legitimate, gave him a charge that they almost never prosecute for.

But sure, keep this same energy when Trump starts pardoning all those insurrectionists and all his little cronies. I’m sure the outcry from the right will be just as loud, right?

Maga has zero ground to stand on here but they have no morals or ethics so they’ll still complain.

I’m not sure what to think about the pardon. I don’t know much about what happened but in his address, if what Biden said is true, Hunter deserved to be pardoned. Though Biden obviously has some bias

The pardon is the law, so using the law does not make you above it.

It’s clear from what Trump says about vengeance and retribution that he would have tortured and murdered Hunter Biden in jail. Biden’s son would be a hostage and plaything, just like how Trump’s mentor Putin does it.

I think if Harris was president there would be no need for a pardon. It would be unfortunate but not a death sentence for his son. Things changed and Biden saw the writing on the wall. The rest of us will find out soon enough.

Thank you Russian trolls! That’s how pardons work dumbass. President Ford pardoned President Nixon for Watergate crimes and any other possible crimes he may have committed. There is precedent for this. Trump pardoned many but not all of his lackeys on the way out the door. After years of Investigations that Republicans never came up with anything on Hunter biden. I think the reason why President Biden pardon his son was to prevent another four years of pointless investigations and Congressional hearings that do nothing. Just keep repeating Hunter Biden’s laptop over and over again until it actually means something. It never will.

This is how Pardons work. And yes they often kind of ugly. Remember Clinton pardoned what was it Mark rich?

A pardon is literally a get out of jail free card. It is the law, it’s not above the law. It’s right in the Constitution. You might want to read it sometime instead of just talking about it.

MAGA’s this whole election: “I’m voting for the felon!”

MAGA’s when Joe Biden pardon’s someone: “Oh so Biden gets to decide who’s above the law now?”

I seriously fucking hate our political system…

Why are democrats held to such a higher standard than republicans in America?

All the shit Trump has done – he’s a fucking felon for fuck’s sake – and the internet melts down over this?

Would you leave your son in jail when a fucking lunatic with a petty mind is coming into almost unlimited power? No you fucking wouldn’t.

Bo that precedent was set by others.

If the law allows for this to happen legally then how is it above the law? It is simply following the law

Regardless of your feelings on political issues. This really does hurt his legacy. Biden ran on having the most ethical administration in history and after Trump’s legal issues, the fact that no one, not even the president is above the law. Now he’s pardoned his son who is now convicted of a felony. It won’t go well with swing voters and independents, and will tarnish his legacy

Yeah I could honestly care less at this point

This is a stupid comparison.

What a high horse, Hunter only hurt himself and his family reputation while he is not actually directly involved in Gov affairs.

45 on the other hand insights violence which caused death and misery for all involved, convicted of sexual assault and cooking his accounts etc etc but they still obsess about Hunters laptop.

No d mentions Burisma. Classic.

Just business as usual. I remember someone saying they voted for Trump over Hilary since they were tired of the Clinton family and I can somewhat understand the sentiment. Politician always seem to be slimy sleaze bag that tell lies while profiting from their politic, and anything positive to everyday people is the norm. Don’t get me wrong, Trump no better, and many way worst, but I hate the idea that just because one side is worst that the other side is somehow an angel.

Hunter’s prosecution was purely political to start with, deliberately intended to punish Joe Biden and hurt the GOP’s enemies. The GOP has established the precedent that the law is just a tool to use to further one’s own goals. Joe’s just futureproofing his family against petty vengeance from fascists.

You do not get to abandon integrity and then whine when other people have to live in the world you created.

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