Grandma got busy, damn.

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She did not think about sex she did it.

it doesn’t mean it did more frequently, just not used protection

Nike: “Just do it”

She was pregnant for at least 135 months of her life, imagine that

Grandma doesn’t think about it, she doesn’t even know what theory is, she’s practice itself

Jesus get off her

Jfc people acting like Grandma was given much of a choice in that day and age

Think of the sticker family on the back of that horse and buggy.

She was pregnant for I assume 15 years of her life. Not even cattle is pregnant for that long. Baby factory, she’s the real deal.

Marital rape was overall legal back then. So I wouldn’t be so sure

My heart goes out to those oldest daughters.

Those poor kids ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Grandma didn’t have a choice back then.

Yeah, I’m thinking she didn’t get much say in it…

The boy on the right, who I think is the 1st boy born based on their height… he looks like Steve Carell, is this the effects of depression or child labor? Transforming into Micheal Scott from the office ?
That’s scary

16 kids is insane

To be fair, Grandma was thinking of England, not sex.

This was before women were legally allowed to get divorce or own land. Also, marital rape was legal then as well. ๐Ÿ™

Grandpa disproportionately produced more x than y.

Grandma was thinking child labour

In those days women were slaves to their husbands. He probably didn’t leave her alone so she had no choice.

Grandma couldn’t say no is more like it :/

Every sperm is sacred

~~practice safe~~ sex

Gram gram putting in that work ๐Ÿ’ช

How to stay productive and be entertained in an age of no TV no phones nothing.


There was an old lady who lived in a shoe. She had so many kids, her uterus fell out. ohhhhhhhhhh!

hey lady, its not a clown car, people cant just keep appearing from outta there.

She didn’t think twice about it

When you have one kid, it’s 2 on 1 for the parents. Then with the second, it’s man-on-man defense. When a third shows up, you go to zone. This is madness with that math.

My dad wondered out loud one time why my mom’s parents didn’t have hobbies like his did. (Playing cards and quilting.)

My mom replied that they did and the unfortunate nature of the family tree was that once people understood the birds and the bees, they would inevitably understand what her parents’ hobby was.

She’s 11 of 12. There were at least four miscarriages that happened late enough for them to be noticed as full pregnancies.

She is closer in age to her nieces than she is to some of her sisters. I am closer in age to my cousin’s children than I am to some of my cousins. Literally the eldest of my cousin’s kids is five years younger than me. The eldest of my cousins is twenty years older.

So basically, even my asexual ass did put together one day that my grandparents’ hobby was sex.

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