Grandmas boyfriend showing us his favorite printed memes.

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bro looks like jeremy clarkson in 5 years

He needs a meme binder

I wanna see the memes 😭

whys grandma look like this isnt the first time and shes so over that shit? lol

Well, which meme was it?

That’s so sweet 🥰

Send us the memes

Printed memes, fly velcro kicks. Gran found herself a good one.

Is that Hershel from TWD?

And this is when that idiot Hammond flipped his car.

And this is when that idiot Hammond flipped his car.

And this is when that idiot Hammond flipped his car.

No I don’t have dementia he was just a terrible driver.

provided there’s nothing racist or evil on those memes, this is wholesomely hilarious

Wait til he busts out his old “collection”

That’s actually adorable

Velcro sneakers, hearing aid, reading lamps – this dude is doing old age properly! Also, the picture falling out of the frame in the background has me in stitches. This is such a realistic view into a home.

That is truly adorable.

Years ago visiting relatives, my elderly uncle wanted to show me something online. He opened a dogeared notebook full of what appeared to be the scribbling of a mental patient. The pages were full of what turned out to be URLs, hand written. When he wanted to revisit one, he’d flip through the pages and type it into the address bar.

His mind was blown when I showed him how to use bookmarks.

Did Jeremy Clarkson lose all his hair?

Wow look at mr fancy pants there that doesnt print double sided.

He printed them and that’s precious

Bro doesn’t show a single meme


That stove pipe looks like it’s about to melt.

Back in the 1900s, that was the way.

A copy of a copy of a copy of a funny picture.

Often from hustler or something classy.

Your Grandma’s Boyfriend is based.

What was his favorite one. You can send it to me in the mail.

“Hey sweetheart, I want to make a good impression on the kiddos when I meet them. What’s something theyre interested in so I can read up on it a little before next week?”

“I think they like me-me’s or whatever they call them”

“Well I’ll be. Thanks dear!”

This man is living in 3023 while we’re stuck in 2023. Meme game analog edition, respect.

This is so sick, what a legend

That is too adorable

That fireplace/chimney looks toasty

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