Greenland changing their name to avoid Trump’s attention

By DPool34
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Call it Obamaland

Yup. 45-47 has the attention span of a gnat.

That mustache of his isn’t exactly going to turn away a good portion of the MAGA electorate.

because a friend of mine lives under a rock and don’t care much for politics — can you please explain to him, this friend of mine, what Greenland has anything to do with Trump??? again — for this friend of mine…

“Urban youth land”

This will make all politicians ignore us.

The scary part is Trump for sure is just waiting for the wildfires to “stop” on its own, so he could be back on selecting which countries to own again because he says so.

Holy F* this is gold!😹😹🙌🏾🙌🏾

If you called it Putinland. He would bend the knee.


this isn’t a picture

Wasn’t Trump saying the USA would buy it? Call it “Expensive Immigrants” so the free ones look like a bargain.


omfg this isn’t a picture

Those are his specialties, though!

Greenland should offer to buy Canada.

I would have gone with safe haven for immigrants

So stupid it just might work.

Medicare for all might be a good name

They should just mirror this circle and the flag will be one of Poland

They don’t have to go that far. They could simply change it to Green(energy)land.

This is so good lol

The increase in food cost is Trumps fault? I’m confused, because he’s not in office yet. I distinctly remember food prices raising dramatically with Biden at the helm.

I like how people who are not Greenlanders think that actual Greenlanders want to be ignored.

As if they don’t like being the belle of the ball.


Haha! Call it TruthLand. He would avoid it like the plague and taxes.

Rename to kamaland.

Right, because the economy went completely downhill starting in May of 2022 because of….Trump. Got it. He was totally in charge for the past few years and it’s all his fault 😂😂😂

Call it “new Jerusalem” and see if all military options r off the table

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