Growing pains

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He’s rethinking all his life choices over an egg hotdog disaster haha

looks like he’s learning the hard way that not all combinations are not meant to be LOL

How did he screw up that badly? That is one level above ordering a boot covered in mustard and fries in a milkshake.

I love teaching my kids small life lessons like this because they’re short-term painful but not painful enough where it affects them long-term.

Good on you for stepping back and letting him fall on his ass. Some lessons will learn the hard way.

Today’s lesson listen to your father, your old man knows what he’s talking about sometimes

No pain No gain

Hilarious that his T-shirt says “Freedom!”

I mean… that’s a delicious breakfast.

How do you even end up ordering such abomination?

TIL that people don’t think that this is tasty. It would be to me, I always mix lots of food together. Just send it my way kid lol

I feel bad for this kid based on the shirt and hat and pants and boots. Kid is just modeling his dad. Gonna be a rough one

yea im calling fake, sheetz doesnt use hotdog buns for anything other than hotdogs, which you cant get eggs on, this is something they specifically requested be custom made

My question is, how did he even order that and why is that a menu option?

When I was kid I mixed every soda from the fountain together except root beer

We don’t talk about root beer

So, who’s supposed to be the madlad here?

Based on how that kid is dressed. Making bad decisions is gonna be a trend with him.

Poor kid. Not allowed to wear sweats and sneakers, maybe a ninja turtles shirt and a Pokémon hat. You know self-expression. Nope, skip that woke ass crap. Probably not allowed to have colorful toys and crayons either, just camo and flag skulls.

The last time this was posted, i recall numerous employees stating it was physically impossible for this to happen. The self-serve machine doesn’t allow for this combination (when you select hotdog bun, you can’t select egg for instance). Staged comedy is fine, just know it’s staged.

He’s obviously a dumbfuck

I mean, minus the jalapeños ( I don’t like them) that wouldn’t be too bad of a sandwich

Ha. My son has been through this a dozen times eventually they learn


oh, shut up Rebecca

Not that kind of mad. r/kidsarefuckingstupid

If dad can’t learn basic English grammar, I don’t think there’s much hope for this kid anyway.

What is this supposed to teach his son

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