Guess my new cutting board wasn’t dishwasher safe…

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No wood cutting boards should be put in the dishwasher

Waffle Makers are not dishwasher safe as well

Bruh, you’re supposed to cut things on it, not cut it!

No wooden cutting board is dishwasher safe

Tip: Wood does not do well in dish washers. It drains out the natural oils as well as swells the wood which then tends to burst on seams or glued areas

Edit. Looking at your board you should be able to glue it back together as it burst on the glued seams

Edit 2. Seams*

Edit 3. So i said you should be able to glue it back together.
Is that a good idea?
and worth the time?
and money?
assuming they dont have atleast 6 proper G clamps
And yet if he still did the perfect glue job you still have to sand it to remove all the excess glue imprefections

I almost spit out my beer lmao

Putting a wood cutting board in the dishwasher is like putting grandmas cast iron skillet in the dishwasher! NEVER DO IT!!

Hand wash all wood kitchen tools.

I can’t believe you put a wood cutting board in a dish washer.

Almost as if wood doesn’t belong in the disheasher 🤔

Putting a wood cutting board in the dishwasher is a grade-A dunce move.

Don’t put wood anything in the dishwasher.

Perfect score 5 out of 7 wood glue again

Man, I bet you’re so cut about this


I accidentally left an ice cube on the counter near an expensive wooden cutting board overnight. The next day it was all warped and falling apart. I went to the salvation army and bought a small wooden dining table and took the legs off and that’s my cutting board now. Never had a problem again.

Since when are wooden boards dishwasher safe anyway? They will warp in the best cases and you are removing its antibacterial properties by putting them in one. They achieve this property by being dry and porous meaning they dry bacteria out. Obviously they should be washed with soap after use but that is it.

Wooden things absolutely do not go in dishwasher for multiple reasons. This being one of them

Who puts a wood cutting board or any wood utensil for that matter, in the dishwasher?!

glue, clamps, sand\glue clean up and re-oil FIXED!

It’s been 11 minutes. Can’t believe OP hasn’t deleted this post.

Hey OP, in case you weren’t aware, wood doesn’t go in the dishwasher

Why…… would you put wood….. in the dishwasher ……..

Wood is an organic material and soaking it in water can promote the growth of bacteria, make it mouldy and it will damage the wood. You need to learn about basic materials.

Well duh. You don’t put wood in a dishwasher ya dingus.

Wood is never dishwasher safe.

No wood in the dishwasher. wtf

Thanks everyone. TIL. Just learned the hard way…

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