Guillotine itensifies

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Yes but the French didn’t have Netflix

the graph has become outdated , the new ones will leave you in dismay

What is it in france now

To be fair, wealth starts accumulating very fast once your income starts surpassing monthly expenses. There was a time for me where 48k was close to month to month but 60k lead to 1k/month savings, a down payment on a house, and now annual appreciation on that asset. With a partner who also made 60k, that put us in the top 10% for our area, and by no means were we rich.

My point being, getting to the top 10% isn’t the difference between you and elon musk, it’s the difference between you and your neighbor. This graph really should be broken down by 0.1% increments to see the composition of that 10%. It’s likely a very skewed distribution that should not be represented as a bar, but instead as a box and whiskers plot.

America’s problem is that half the population are temporarily embarrassed billionaires. They believe they will get there soon.

That is the lie that will hold the revolution at bay

This is just the power law distribution.

Most countries in the World will have similar wealth distributions, regardless of advancement. Although I do not disagree the wealthy should pay their fair share of taxes etc

Now compare what 10% of wealth means in 1760 vs. today. Massive difference.

Guys I have to work on Monday so can the revolution be done by then?

It’s also barely the top 10%.

Within those the top 0.001% have pretty much all of it.

Dude 2016 was nothing compared to now. Itโ€™s gone exponential

I don’t think you understand our revolution the right way. The French Revolution is often characterized as a bourgeois revolution, where a capitalist bourgeoisie overthrew the feudal aristocracy to restructure society in alignment with capitalist interests and values, which actually set up the stage for the industrial revolution in France.

Could you guys speed up the process? Come on, you have guns.

New American Revolution needed!

They also had a broken, corrupt system that consistently resisted reform to the bitter end. Sound familiar?

sure, there was a large wealth gap between the rich and the poor. But the American poor are richer than the french wealthy of the time. Capitalism isn’t just the rich getting richer, the poor get richer too, and its actually the fastest way for the poor to attain more. The problem is the wealthy tend to attain more faster than the poor attain more. On the upside, wealth only stays in a family for a few generations, and poverty stricken families only stay there on bad decisions which can be changed. Funnily enough, “but the french didn’t have netflix” captures this idea perfectly.

Oh please.. what you think people are going to start killing the rich like the French? No. No you won’t. The truth is, you will make these kind of masturbatory posts, relieve yourself, and move on to the next thing next week.

Outrage and bait is all y’all can do. Just make these kind of nonsense posts and think you are some kind of super rebel and all.

These kind of posts have been made since reddit was first created. The next revolution, according to you people, is just around the corner.

Power law at work here.

wonโ€™t happenโ€ฆ the America that voted for Trump – signals that the rich have successfully convinced poor Americans to support rich Americans – via the bibleโ€ฆ led by rich pastors.

This would a much better comparison, if there would be an intermediate chart showing the wealth distribution during a time that was considered to have a strong middle class.




Netflix might keep revolutions at bay but if they mess with the shared password policy again we might see the guillotines come back in HD.

Random Fact: Guillotines were invented by the British not the French

I would assume that this Graph looks pretty much identical for most western countries, not just USA.

We are FAR more apathetic and distracted than ever before.

We are experiencing โ€œboiled frog syndrome โ€œ and we will happily sit back and watch as everything is taken from us.

We are way past the French aristocracy and approaching pharaoh shit

We need to start beheading motherfuckers again

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