Gulf of what??

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I mean, its a gulf, located between north and central america. What wrong with it being gilf of America?

I thought it was named after the Gulf formerly known as Mexico.


Mexico is in North America. So is the US. Therefore it’s the gulf of America

Gulf of Distraction

if we retake Cuba, it’ll be mostly American!

gulf of diversion. why talk about an important issue

No longer

How transphobic of you to deadname the Gulf of America. Smh

That’s why we call it the Arabian Gulf

Seems there is a new meme every day with this it’s really getting old at this point.

Where is this?

Love Kronk

We love going to the Gulf of America.

I think we settled on s golfo de américa. It’s Gulf of America, but in Spanish.

It wasn’t named after the country Mexico, the name actually goes back to the Aztecs.

How about both?


I’ll call it the Gulf of Mexico as they send me to one of RFK’s “wellness” camps.

“This is amerca” but instead its “the gulf of america”


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