Gun freaks and their logic, someone has to clock them

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I want to know what freedom Americans enjoy that:

1. Is routinely denied to other citizens of Western countries.
2. That they can genuinely attribute to having guns.

Because from where I’m sitting, the only one I can think of is “Walk down the street carrying a gun”.

In Australia, the police can kill you in the streets and get off scot free if they claim they feared for their lives, healthcare insurance providers can arbitrarily deicide they don’t want to pay for your life saving surgery, and even if you move out of the country, you still have to pay Australian taxes even if you don’t step foot there, or pay a massive fee to revoke your citizenship, there’s practically no freedom at all!

wait, no, that’s actually America, my bad

Absolutely hate these fucking statements. Every fucking Murican thinks we are deprived. Every. Single. Aussie. Bar none. Thinks this is the right way.

We feel so sorry for your kids. We actually feel sad. Sad that young innocent people have to practice gun drills. Sad that young people are shot. Every day.

Australia has great beaches. Great lifestyle. Happy people. We complain about government policies all the time. But have never complained about this one.

Fuck that.

you arnt free in america until you can lose your house due to medical bills, and shoot someone who cuts you off in traffic, and with that im going deer hunting


A few gun stores in Adelaide too

What we don’t seem to have in Adelaide or Australia is 5-10 mass shootings a week though
And kids go to school without constantly worrying about being shot

But boy do I miss rabbit hunting with rocket launchers though /s

As much as I hate all politicians ( as do most Aussies )

This one ( the guns ), they got 100% right

1 major mass shooting ( Port Arthur ), and our politicians pulled their fingers out and did something, unlike Merica’

There are gun stores everywhere in Melbourne. Go buy a gun if you want. I dont know what the restrictions are but if you really want one they are available.

People love equating guns to freedom. “We need our guns to stop the government if they try to oppress us.”

Well you have your guns and everybody is still being oppressed. You could have a house full of guns and still not stop the government

‘Weird accents’ whats this yank saying loud ass mouth z spam and shitty spellings and ‘mom’ like tf who thought of that shit

Rembering when Rudy Giuliani imposed stricter gun control in NY and gun violence fell.

Nazi Germany made it easier to own guns, unlike what American ammosexuals love to claim.

Fun Fact: We can own guns in Australia.

Nope we had someone behave like an American and said no thanks

Besides the freedom to misinterpret their own constitution and thus be able to buy an Ar-15 at Walmart (“well regulated militia”), what are yanks actually free to do that the rest of us aren’t?

Australia also has universal healthcare and a single payer system and in the colonies the have greedy health insurance CEOs and below quality healthcare and paying significantly more.

The average aussie knows all about how trash america is but the average american knows literally nothing about australia

Fun fact. There are actually more guns owned in Australia per capita now than there were before the Port Arthur Massacre.

We just thought it would be a good idea if it was harder for people to own one due to it being… You know… Designed to kill someone.

And with all the scary shit we have down here…. None of us are scared of possibly being shot in the street or our kids dying of the leading cause of death among minors in the US: school shootings.

Incidentally… It also made us all better looking than you lot.

The American education system is long overdue an upgrade. So called ‘first-world country’ with fifth-world intellects.

Australia also has wonderful healthcare and government subsidized education, and is still more of a free country than the U.S.!

Grew up in rural NSW with family farms… remember hunting with my dad before 1996/port Arthur and after the semi auto ban. It really didn’t change anything… the local pest population was able to be kept under control and we probably became better shots…. the extra hoops to get a license and prove the weapons are stored safely are what they are to ensure everyone is safe… seems like a no brainer.

By comparison I travel around the US for work…. Fuck me …. Went for after work drinks with a girl from the legal department in Atlanta. She showed me her pink .38 that she conceal carries in her handbag, so she feels safe.

Or the Uber driver in Houston who said he needs his guns because he doesn’t trust the government.

Oh no these intangible levels of freedom that I seem to be missing …. What ever will I do …

We’ve got spiders

We’ve got snakes

We’ve got the metric system

We’ve got fuck all guns

We’ve got no Trump Party

This is all by design, to keep undesirables out

That’s a myth that the Nazis rounded up all the guns, by the way

Living in fear of violence is not freedom.

Land of the free and home if the brave is such a load of bullshit.. more incarcerated people than any other country per capita 😂 and cowards carry guns !

I would feel less free if I had to constantly worry about someone with a gun randomly or deliberately killing me. I would go outside less, do less, be less free.

Private gun ownership in Germany *increased* during the reign of the Nazis.

The people who disarmed the german populace were *drumroll* the US Army.

The fucking nazi cunts didn’t even take all the guns away. They encouraged nazi party members to acquire guns and stripping the jews and other “inferiors” of their guns. They armed one populace and disarmed the other. 

We still have guns, just the fucking common sense ones.

There’s no reason to own an automatic rifle, or a .50cal pistol, or god-knows what those mouthbreathers can get their hands on. We still enjoy a good hunt and some recreational shooting at the ranges.

We have just as much Freedom (let’s be honest, _more_) than the Yanks all while our school, cinemas, shopping malls, streets are largely safe.

Now we can use them to eat the rich. What 2a is intended for

Australia is absolutely more free than us. I’ll be keeping my guns for sure but we’re nothing close to a free country anymore

free healthcare too

No one’s taking any guns shut the fuck up with that bullshit

The difference in power between the army and a theoretical militia is each year bigger. Making that believe more and more useless.

In the 1700s make way more sense, a big enough militia could flank the army that at most have a few cannons of technological advantage over the civilians.

In 2020s guns are generally useless against air supremacy, drones swarms dropping grenades, intercontinental missiles, Napalm or white phosphorus burning everything, poison gas, small nukes, nukes, etc.

I love their concepts of how in an hypothetical civil war the government that failed to respect their own citizens rights will respect humans rights…

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