Guy from asshole

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I can’t overstate how well this whole thing comes together. I mean just every message is perfect in its own right

Murr looks like the guy from Asshole, making him tonight’s big loser

I mean he IS the spokesperson for my shiney hiney…

Yeah Cody

He does kinda look like he crawled out of an asshole.

One of my favorite chat convos ever, probably only after the “Knock knock joke, but someone has to start” one
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Out of the loop, I know this guy from a show but why asshole?

Finally, a sequel to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

“The Guy from ASSHOLE” is the sequel for “The Man from UNCLE”

Well, have you tried looking up your ass and to the left? He might be there. Ferrets burrow after all.

Reminds me when I wanted to find a song by Pitbull as a kid and I searched for “bullshit”

I mean he did by an anal bleaching lit at one point

One of my favorite Text exchanges ever. I love this so much

“Murr is todays big looser”

show of hands, what year were you born?

Impractical assholes

I’ve thought for a while that I would love to see Knoxville have a guest appearances on the show, he was always one of the bigger pranksters back on jackass (not counting Bam who thought peeing on people counted as a prank) and I think he would mesh really well with the guys

My eyebrow guy with dead mouth… this was his punishment.


Who’s he mistaking him for? Pontius? 

This is still the funniest thing james murray has ever contributed to

Pratical buttholes

Do they think Murr is fkin Wee man… and why can’t I unsee the comparison

Nah, they’re right. Not giving a $&@% who that is and or the corresponding show but knowing it’s PROBABLY one of the stupid prank ones is the correct place to be.

Cody, you’re too good for them 😄

I thought that was Corky from “Life Goes On”

How is a question “wrong”? Fucking internet

It was Impractical Assholes, right?

I’m Johnny Knoxville, welcome to asshole

Murr? No way, the most lovable of all jokers.

I miss the good old days of asshole

The only thing it’s missing is a third response of “And lastly, no”

edit: I should have said “No thank you” as I meant it as a response to the picture

He did bought the asshole bleach kit that one time

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