Guy who has never seen an orchestral performance before is mad about a woman conductor

By nwbrown
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Ah yes… Leonard Bernstein famously without musical talent. 

We truly live in a time when those who know the least talk the most

Fucking hell. This is next level incorrect imo.

An orchestra is a body, and the conductor is the brain tying all individual parts of the body together. Imagine trying to run without the brain tying all the various body parts together to achieve that rather complex task…

I am not musically inclined, but grew up in a family of musicians, and even I understand how important the conductor is to a performance.

Yeah, you definitely don’t ever see male conductors wildly gesticulating and putting their whole bodies into their conducting. /s

I go to classical concerts regularly. The waving-about of the conductor doesn’t often make sense to me, but I also know that it only needs to make sense to the musicians of the orchestra

As a member of an orchestra, you don’t decide how to play the music, the conductor does. The conductor stands where the acoustics of a concert hall are the best, and due to their podium, they are able to make eye contact and can be perceived by every musician in their orchestra. What you hear when listening to this kind of music is the interpretation of the conductor, which means each recording of the same piece is different. It’s like multiple film adaptations of the same book. Some conductors record a piece more than once, and as a listener you can hear how their interpretation of it changes over the years.

Conducting is hard because you need to have an incredible amount of knowledge about every instrument in your orchestra as well as music theory, you need to be able to read treble, alto and bass clefs, transcribe orchestral sheet music for piano keys, and you need to be able to analyze what your orchestra is playing in real time, so that you can find where something is off and how to correct it.

Oh, and you need to be able to swing your arms for up to one hour straight while staying on the beat without missing the occasional switch in time signature.

As a violinist, conductors are the musicians I respect the most. I play an instrument, the conductor plays an orchestra.

Yeah. She didn’t spend hours working with the orchestra before the performance. She just showed up and started waving her baton. /s

This might be the ultimate “if you don’t like something don’t engage with it.” 

Bitch could literally just close his eyes. 

He’d still get the full musical experience he wants without having to suffer the indignity of looking at a woman. 

I mean, I’m no musician but I’d guess that the conductor does more than just waving the stick during the performance…

Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym. Those who can’t teach gym, complain about shit on Twitter.

There is absolutely nothing these weirdos on the right can’t be offended by. I’ll bet that lady conductor drinks black coffee!! “Black, hello? Why black?” The balls on her! She knows what she’s doing! Amirite?!

Dinesh is a convict. Those who can, do. Those ho can’t do, because of background checks, grift their “allies”. it’s easier than getting a job.

Why do people insist on weighing in on shit they have zero experience in…?

I feel like the first guy just doesn’t like that it’s a woman composer. I bet he hasn’t made similar complaints that male composers.

I, too, used to think that a conductor was an unnecessary, showboaty position. At that time I was also a young, ignorant child. These people have the mentality of an ignorant child.

As someone who played in a wind band for years, the conductor is hella important. Without them, the band will invariably end up at slightly different paces, because a piece of music isn’t all played at the same speed. There are bits where you speed up or slow down for a couple of bars, and without a conductor to dictate that, it would be chaos. The band would follow either the percussion, or the tubas, or a mixture.

My high school orchestra conductor had his PhD in music and could play multiple instruments. He is the reason I finally started to enjoy playing violin. We played all of the classical composers from Bach to Tchaikovsky.

Dinesh can only play the skin flute….

How did we ever survive before we had the wisdom of dinesh de sousa guiding us? He’s truly the Socrates of our time

If it’s a tweet from Dinesh, it’s wrong.

Ok, let them all try and play without instruction. It may look silly to some, but it’s all a part of the job. You gotta grab the symphonies attention. How else are you gonna remind the trombones to fortissimo on the 57th measure?

The conductor often can play every instrument in the orchestra.

My middle school band teacher was an extremely talented musician.

I went to a university with one of the top music programs in the US. My best friend’s roommate was studying to become a director. It consumed his whole life almost. He played at least eight instruments that I know of, maybe more. He would literally sit around watching his favorite directors or listening to orchestral performances pretending to conduct. I knew, through him, several string instrument performers that would confirm the director is at least necessary, if not vital. I guess percussion might be able to keep time for everyone, but that’s only true for simple music. And that’s far from the only thing a director does. Social media has given voice to the dumbest among us.

That’s….not how *any* of that works.

Y’all I am so tired of rage bait.

Have you ever seen a debate with Dinesh? He is a freaking squirrely debater that has trouble giving concise answers, a la Jordan Peterson.

The one line I love the most (paraphrasing):

>”You know why I know climate change isn’t real? Because rich millionaires keep buying beachfront houses. The moment they stop buying I’ll start believing. “

Never understood the “those who cannot do, teach” saying. If you don’t know how to do it, you will never be able to teach it

You have to be a virtuoso of several instruments before you can conduct. Imagine being this fucking dense.

I work for a famous orchestra, some conductors that gesture a lot are terrible and some that gesture a lot are amazing. It is neither required nor frowned upon. Each artist is different.

Our principle conductor gestures a LOT, puts his whole body into it, and sweat literally flies off his head while doing a concert, and he is AMAZING.

…holy shit, tell me you’ve got 0 clue what a conductor is without telling me.

“Those who cannot do will teach”

Are you kidding me? Without the conductor, the band would *not be able to play.* Ignore her gestures?? Her gestures are what *lead the direction of the song.*

I cannot fucking stand pseudo-intellectuals like this. You could have less than a base level understanding of directors and orchestras and still understand that a director is integral. This is absolutely absurd.

It has me fuming that this dude implied he knows a thing about music, because if you think a conductor lacks skill, you just suck. Such a weird thing to say.

“Those that cannot ‘do’ will teach”? Someone needs to let this little bitch know how much post secondary education it takes to become a conductor. And add to that the constant work, training and experience required. 

I am willing to bet my life savings neither of these jokers listen to orchestra music let alone regularly watch a live performance

the “those who cannot do will teach” argument is plain stupid, too

I ain’t learning shit from someone who cannot do what it’s supposed to teach

I played cello for 6 years and the idea of “trying to ignore the conductor” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard lmao.

Ah yes, John Williams, talentless wand waving person… /S
(Please forgive me Mr. Williams)

Does this doorstop think composers “teach” symphony?? Lmfao

Jesus, incels are so fucking pathetic.

I promise you the musicians aren’t doing their best to ignore her. I’ve been in multiple concert bands and trust me, this kind of conductor is so much better than the boring ones that are little more than a living metronome. These conductors truly set the tone of the performance.

I have a degree in music performance. 

As part of that, I had to take a couple semesters of conducting classes.

Every single person in class, both men and women, was an extremely skilled performer on their chosen instrument.  

Conducting is very difficult and requires a deep knowledge of all aspects of a musical performance. 

You have to keep track of a mind boggling number of things. It is definitely not a “teacher vs. doer” situation.

It’s incredibly intimidating and humbling to stand in front of a group of professional musicians and lead them through a piece.  You’re not just randomly waving your arms to the tempo… skilled musicians will respond to some of the most subtle gestures you make, and it’s a very strange experience.

Yeah lets let everyone in the orchestra just do their own thing. I’m sure that will go well.

The orchestra doesn’t work without a conductor you absolute moron.


He has no clue how coveted and hard that position is. Idiot.

Conductors are generally very much above the people they are conducting in terms of musical skill. It’s anecdotal but every conductor I’ve been under have been insanely good musicians. Much better than anyone sitting in the orchestra.

Sounds like he’s jealous her conductor’s wand is bigger than his penis.

Wasn’t having horrible takes about political science enough? We got it, you’re bad at thinking, stop showing off, Dinesh.

The “struggling to ignore” the conductor part is insane.

“Ugh. I’m trying to play my music. Why is this woman up there acting crazy? I’ll just read my music, or maybe close my eyes for the rest of the concert. If we all do that, this concert will be amazing!”

Is there anything Dinesh does understand? I haven’t found it yet.

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