Guys, there’s this thing called a search engine…

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Googling (insert question here “reddit”) is the real key to the internet

How would we be able to search for answers if nobody asked the question on Reddit?

Nah I still prefer reddit because we got to hear answer from real people who was in the same situation or shared similar experience instead of so called internet specialist or AI chatbots

Same with Stack Overflow. I think you can say that about most Q&A sites. People be lazy or don’t know how to ask the google machine the right question.

I’m sure this has also been posted before too.

You see the good thing about reddit is, it’s not only a result but usually it can be coupled with experience

Some people like interaction.

To be fair, Google suck nowadays, and Bing is still Bing and the rest are various degrees of useless (Duckduckgo uses Bing)


Look it up where exactly?

Looking it up leads to Reddit

There’s nothing wrong with wanting human interaction when having an inquiry needing resolution.

Yeah but almost always when I look something up, the rest link is a reddit post from several years ago of someone asking the same question

On the upside it provides me with a never ending stream of cannon fodder for my downvoting sprees

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