Gwen (Part 4/4) – Gator Days (OC)

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I’m about to throw hands with a cartoon dad I swear

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Thank you for reading.

It can be hard to understand what others are going through. It can be even harder to understand the emotions that others are experiencing. It’s difficult enough to understand these emotions within ourselves when we’re in the middle of having them. I hope that with these comics, I’ve been able to respectfully capture these sorts of experiences in a way that might foster empathy, understanding, and healing.
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Ember would come over to give a piece of her mind to the dad, and stay to acquire the biggest burrito



The worst characters so far in this comic world, and it’s crummy human parents.

Sometimes the real family is the friends we make a long the way in life

gwen’s dad and gustopher’s mom can fuck right off into the sun

Hey u/FieldExplores, please give Gwen and her brothers a hug from me 🫂🫂

With only a single word I am already wishing him the worst of ill wills.

Reminds me of a scene from MASH where Pierce is anxiously waiting to hear news about his dad’s surgery. Winchester, his foil in the series, talks about being physically in the same room as his father but emotionally miles away. Winchester concludes by saying at while he (Winchester) has a father, Pierce has a dad.

This man had the *audacity* to create three children while not giving a fuck about any of them. Ugh.

Polly is a great friend, Gwen is a saint for basically mothering her siblings (when she absolutely should not have to), and Gwen’s dad can get bent.

Value your new friendship, Gwen! Your true family isn’t always the one you are born into.

Oh damn that’s my Dad!!

Oh damn…that’s my dad….

Later in life:

“Gwen, I’m dying of cancer.”


I’m glad Polly is a good friend to Gwen. I hope Gwen is able to fly freely into the world with confidence one day because Polly and her fam keeps being there in little ways for her and building her up. I know these are just drawings, but there are so many Gwens in the world that it is nice to dream of Gwen becoming happy one day.

Tasty burritos > heartless dad.

This comic proves humans are the worst.


Wanted to write a comment where I want to throw hands with the dad and team up together with Ember to teach him a lesson. And i want to give Gwen a hug.

But you guys already made those comments. Well done.

OP, i know the chances are small but could you maybe draw a picture of Gwen reacting to all those wonderful comments towards her?

You’ve successfully managed to make one of the most hated characters on the sub-reddit with a single word.


Ain’t no f**king way that’s a legitimate response to your child coming home!? It feels like I’m watching an even more sad version of the movie Matilda only our protagonist doesn’t have esper abilities.

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I…I just…wanna talk to Gwens dad…just a few secs is all…

I can’t decide if this dad or Gustophers mother is worse

At least she got a “so?” 😭

Those humans are a bad lot, I tells ya.

Lowkey wanna drop kick the dad. Gwen deserves the world.

I’m so glad Gwen has a friend like Polly in her life : )

Somehow that guy knocked a woman up 3 times

“4/4” Ok so the pain is over…. for now.

Why do I want more? This was heavy AF.

Give 5 minutes in a room with this bearded dimwit! This really hurts!

The brothers might not seem appreciative but in the future they’ll remember how well their big sis took care of them.

Thanks, I hate it.

It’s not the family she has, but it is the family she deserves

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