Had me wheezing

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I mean, it IS political, but we can’t say that word hasn’t been butchered. Political just means controversy to conservatives

My heroes growing up punched Nazis and stood up for others.

If your response to an image of Hitler being punched in the face is “why are you getting so political?”, you’re the baddies.

There is no room on this planet for coexist with a nazi

The entire idea of what it meant to be an American for 50 years was punching nazis. It was a national point of pride. Practically the only thing we learned in history classes. Motherfuckers are surprised some of us remember.

Cause it’s important. America is following the early trends of Hitler, this should be alarming and people should be talking about it.

Turning a blind eye was part of the problem back then and part of the problem now.

I mean, hating Nazis is political. As the Nazi party was a political party. But, just because it is political doesn’t mean it is controversial. Because outside of far-right circles and other fascist extremists, hating and punching Nazis is a thing to do.

It’s crazy that the most patriotic I’ve ever felt was because of our own country is advocating fascism. Hate to be that guy but my grandpa went through hell stopping it the first time, got me fucked up thinking ima just look the other way.

Imagine thinking punching Hitler in the face is political and not relative to anything else at all.

For “no reason” ? Wow, someone hasn’t been watching, listening or reading any type of news, social media or friend gossip. Where did they find this person?

“For no reason” is just insane.

“for no reason”

For decades, the right wingers have been screaming into the media from every possible platform, making everything political, from bathrooms to flags, to whom you love to how you act, and idk what more, polarising their nation and even the world, and then they complain that people are being political when they want to put their feet up?

F*CK those guys. THEY started this. Suck it up! 

This man practically raised me.

This may be his best work ever

When you’d rather defend a Nazi than remember what the veterans went to fight, to defend a free world, then you’re essentially a sympathiser.

To quote Jake (John Belushi) in “The Blue Brothers”, “I hate Illinois Nazis.”, though I don’t fine tune it to Illinois. Need a Bluesmobile directed at all of them to drive them all into the ocean.

It wouldn’t be so scary to conservatives if they weren’t aligning themselves with and defending Nazis. They should take this as a chance to reflect on their actions but they won’t

Remember folks, do your civic duty, punch a nazi like you’re BJ Blazkowitz

Person a – Hey, some bad people in politics are gonna do some horrible shit, we should speak out against it

Person b – WhY aRE YoU sO poliTIcaL 🙄

Hating nazis ain’t political – it’s a god damn law of nature!

People have realized that the far right is mentally ill and will make you rich if you parrot their beliefs back at them

wheezing? really?

Conservatives base their whole identity and being “American patriots” yet they tend to they are Nazi apologists and straight up idolize the confederate states. The irony is completely lost on them

If you see an issue with punching nazis then you got problems

I don’t know man, when somebody sympathizes with Nazis, converses with Nazis, and then does a Nazi salute, that’s just kind of political.

Brody Foxx is a certified CHAD!!!

Last time I checked the target demographic for that channel was like 10-15 years old. Though that was back when I was 15.

The image itself is political but there’s also a link that says “RightWingCope” seems to me there’s more to this than just hating nazis

Comedy meets harsh truths.

Do you guys think some stars in American flags will be replaced by Hakenkruz in future?

Serious idea. Duplicate this image and have one be a nazi and the other the communist flag on it. Hit them both. And ask the right wingers what the difference is and see if they still defend the nazi.

“For no reason.” FFS who are these fucking morons?!

Like so Brody can see

I mean, tbf: Nazi nowadays is somewhat watered down to a point where people call Reps or whatever other far right party your country got Nazis. And while I definately think that they are as dangerous/bad as Nazis, celebrating images of true Nazis being punched is effectively the same as celebrating the thought of Reps being punched, which indeed is political. They dont see Hitler being punched, they see people calling them Nazis and advocating for violance, while we just stand there and say “oh, you feel offended by Nazis being hated?” etc.

No clue who he is but he just earned a sub

Seeing I’m following the right person in youtube makes me happy.

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