Had to get out of bed and go ask the upstairs neighbor (whom I’ve never actually met) to turn it down at about 12:30 am this morning. Found this outside my door when I woke up.

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The main thing is that he apologized

Update: it’s good wine! Never had this brand before, but I definitely recommend it.

I spoke to him entirely through his Ring camera (which is fine). Dude was super polite.

Based on the type and level of noise coming through my ceiling, I suspect he and/or the missus may have been doing a little more than just watching Superbowl recaps, but hey who hasn’t gotten a little schwifty and had some loud fun on game night?

I miss civilized society, i didn’t realize people were still this considerate these days.

That’s how to settle “disputes.” There’s a lesson for all of us here. Thank you for sharing. 🥰

Awesome! And a classy reply!

I don’t know why this picture makes me so happy, but I feel like I’m about to tear up. Damn. So good to know that there are still decent people out there.

Congratulations to both of you for spontaneously demonstrating how to adult. This is how all interactions should be, with each taking responsibility and no one getting butt-hurt that they were having their rights curtailed.

I wish we were seeing more of it….

This is an overall positive interaction, nice

Getting on good terms with neighbours pays dividends in ways you never can imagine. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. When I moved here 23 years ago. I introduced myself to my neighbours on both sides. They became good friends. The one on the left, in order to get away from his nagging wife, would spend a day over here just working on my garden of 430 odd plants. He’d spend all day just weeding, pruning and generally cleaning up. I never asked him to do it, and he never asked for a penny. Though I did pay him back many times, looking out for him, his family and their property. He did this for 20 years, looking after my garden, cleaning my gutters. Then his marriage broke up, and he moved away.

A new neighbour moved in on the other side, and I introduced myself to him bringing a cake or something as a welcome present. Now he tends my front yard, without asking. If he works on his yard, he steps over the fence and cleans up my front a bit. Sometimes he makes me dinner. Really nice guy. I’ve repayed him many times over too in acts of kindness etc. Looking out for his property.

So it pays dividends over and over. It’s worth getting on good terms. Unless you live next to a feral, and I did have one like that, and they are impossible. Just ignore them.

This is what we call Brotherly Love. We will burn it all down, but the next morning, we will be making you breakfast.

Nicely done at being a considerate adult

Hand written apology. Very classy.

I’m confused. You never met them but you gave them cookies?

This is Reddit.. next time burn the complex down!

So sweet

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Very cool!

More of this is needed in the world. We need to hear more positive exchanges. Thanks for sharing.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was more like this?

He didn’t thank you for the cookies you made from Xmas until now???

Still good peeps in this world.

Good neighbor.


I love this!! Accountability and kindness!

All mine do is fuck, stomp and bang on stuff

Must have been that Coop pick 6 cause that got me rowdy AF!

Tell him to come over and instruct my neighbors how to behave.

Awesome of both you!! Li5ve seeing interactions where everyone is civil

More humans like this please

he knew what he did, glad to know that he’s polite to make an apology.

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