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The most British looking couple.

Idk why I think I saw him on Grindr?

There is nowhere near enough info to tell who’s the problem in here. The guy could be a giant douche that is winding her up, leading her to that face. No way of knowing from a couple of photos

Two possible situations here

1) the guy is just a silly happy little dude and the former wife has always tried to dampen that.


2) the guy is a dick who enjoys pushing the woman to her limits and then making fun of her for being reasonably angry, and he did this exact thing right before he took the selfie.

This shitbird doth protest too much. Iโ€™d bet she had enough of dealing with a man child and initiated the separation.

Respectfully, his barber is the fucking problem

You can tell from his face that he is enlisted

You can literally tell by this that he was the problem ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thick skulled ditches

It doesn’t feel like he was the mature person in the relationship.

She looks like a sleep deprived Sasha Grey

I can spot a boot who married a stripper a mile away.

The high and tight, the clean face, the watch. This man is army/marines and married the first barracks rat who said yes.


The haircut might have caused this.

Oh… I have a guess why it didn’t work out… ๐Ÿ’…๐ŸŒˆ

The reason that divorce is so expensive is because it’s worth it.

Cmon in any other scenario the dude with a camera and that haircut automatically gets labelled the douchebag lmao

idk guys her facial expression looks quite normal to me?

He has a very punchable face, but you can tell from her apathetic one that she’s just done with his shit, looks like she’s thinking, “yeah, that bastard would.”

She doesn’t look as affected by it as he thought she would.

On the other hand, this could have just been two people that weren’t compatible as partners and she was just posing and they both think it’s actually pretty funny.

Canโ€™t believe both stick figures on the cake transitioned

This guy has the most punchable face since Glen Powell in Top Gun: Maverick.

She looks strung out.

this whole post is cringe

Looks at the rbf on her

His haircut is 30% of the problem, minimum

Iโ€™m more curious about what kind of cake it is. Plain? Chocolate? Strawberry? I need more details here.


This is chaotic genius at its finest!

She’s got that “I’m *such* a bitch” look. I can’t describe it.

Sheโ€™s got a terminal case of RBF

I hope they have no children. Nobody thinks of the children and how a divorce will affect them.

I can fix her.


lol lol

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