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It really was bad though 😂

What the fuck… were you thinking with that hair?

I’ve been spending so much time in punk circles that this looks normal to me

It’s a mullet

Homegirl was in r/blunderyears fr

Really did her dirty on that one 💀 she still looks better in this photo than she does today, though.

She was trying out for Die Antword

I think she was/ is still my crush. No matter goofy hair or not


Only just saw the Scream movies last month. Everything was off in 3, not just Gale’s hair.

I loved her hair in 2 though.

Yikes! I gave my Barbie’s better bangs than that!

Imagine being so pretty that you look good in THIS hair.

Does that photo show the “bad” hair?

It looks fine, kinda attractive even.

Yo Yo Yo Yolandi Vi$$er

Those bangs were the moment. Unfortunately, they were *that* moment.

These bangs and the super thin brows were hot for a minute back in the day.

Bad bangs destroy lives. This haircut looks like it hangs out at the Pickadilly station stop wearing see through plastic.


Looks like she banged herself

Can anyone confirm if this is real? The tweet, not the hair

Can’t un-see that!

Courtney, honey… take the L here and Grow… and hope the don’t hit the other screams or season 1 of Friends.

Her name is spelled with an extra ‘e’ ?!

Party in the front business in the back.

Is her response directed at the comment or her hair?

If hair could be an anorexic cutter.

she got the simple jack


Only eastern European metal guitarists could pull that cut off. It’s pretty rough.

Is her comment real? 😂

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