Hairdresser Wearing Shoe Covers

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Didn’t even realize that was a thing.

It would be super annoying to get hair in your shoes all the time.

Hair slivers in feet are a thing. And they’re straight evil.

Not the worst idea.

hair splinters are no joke, this hairdresser is a genius

Dated a hair dresser. She’d come home and her shoes would be full of hair. Gross af

That’s clever and should be more common

Hair dresser is sick of pulling other folks stabby hair out of their skin. Have you had a cut hair stab you before?

Back in the day we called these spats. Sorta like gators but ankle height.

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

actually genius move

short hairs in mesh is the worst

Brilliant! Might look weird but if you have ever gotten a minuscule piece of freshly cut hair stuck in /under your skin, you’ll want to cover your entire body with a cover.

I think a big thing for hairdressers is also hair splinters- which hurt like a sonofa.

saving this to send to my stylist tbh

Good idea, honestly. It’s why so many of them wear sandals. Easier to shake the hair out.

Oh shit, they got bottom straps and everything

These are called spats, or spatterdashes

Nike React ??

Damn i am poor, had to think twice before buying these

Much more practical than [this]comment image) though.

So they don’t get hairy shoes

Great way to avoid hairy situstions

If you have ever had hair splinters you know this is a great idea. Worked in a barbers years ago and hair splinters are bloody evil.

There is nothing quite like having someone else’s hair grow out of you because an offcut of theirs stuck in your skin.


Who doesn’t hate tiny hair getting into your socks and shoes. Having them pierce your feet with each step.

Hey am a gastroenterologist and need this!

I worked in a kitchen once and a coworker was out partying the night before and wasn’t able to go home and change before work so he showed up in his brand new jordans to work the grill. He put plastic bags over his shoes for the whole shift.

Short cuts of hair can get in your shoe and work their way into your skin, causing really bad infection.

This is pretty smart

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