Halloween in the late ’90s, around the time South Park first hit television screens.

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So I guess parents never watched that show WITH their kids before letting them watch it lol


It was an absolute pleasure knowing this picture exists.

Kenny on the ground. Lmao

Haha I didn’t notice dead Kenny at first lol nice job


My first and only college activism involved getting signatures to force the people in charge of college housing at the University of Wisconsin to add Comedy Central to the dorm cable package in the fall of 1997. Heck no, we didn’t go and all that and sure enough, Comedy Central was added and we got our precious South Park. We were pretty damn proud, as we should have been.

Back when Halloween costumes were 50% effort, 100% iconic


Holy fuck, I just realized I have the same toque
comment image?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2545201d148f0f1d1125c311be8dc7a75b4ee5

Classic kenny lying dead…..thank god they dropped that gag over time

Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1ficlui) on 2024-09-16 96.88% match.

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**Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 776,873,035 | **Search Time:** 0.14919s

You can tell Cartman was in charge of the costume idea lol. Look at that grin.

comment image?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634141be78053739bec988fd87c98ff341f5be78

Fixed it.

I think it’s weird being part of a generation who when they were children watched those type of shows, played “violent” video games, etc., and then grows up to be adults saying kids shouldn’t watch that stuff. Why? How did South Park hurt you?


Back when your costume was 90% plastic and 10% risk of suffocation… good times. 😂

My parents banned this show until I was 13 lol I’d sneak watch it at my older cousins house

I’m working on my own Kenny costume, I have all but one part of the jacket done and I’m excited to assemble it 🤭


Tragedy that these kids were allowed to watch southpark.

Simpler times back then, weren’t they?

South Park came out when I was in third grade. Good times.

I’m loving this picture for many nostalgic reasons. The flooring, the chair rail border, all of it screams 90’s! What a time to grow up!!

I was banned from watching South Park. To be fair I was only about 9 when it started 😅

Is that Bruce Blanche?

So who’s going to be which character? Billy is Cartman, obviously.

Billy: …


Newer models of humans may delight in knowing that that flooring pattern was obligatory in the 90s.

I couldn’t even watch the Simpsons or ren and stimpy least when my mom was home lol

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