Happy New Year – Gator Days (OC)

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I swear, Ember is a literal goblin in capybara form.

Hahaha relatable. I hope gus got sparkling grape juice though! That was the best part as a kid! Heck it’s the best part now.


Is this a hint the series is taking place in the 90s?

Or the kid just likes old school stuff?

2025 is officially the year of Ember

“The strong do what they will while the weak suffer what they must.”— ~~Thucydides~~ Ember

I like to imagine Liam was still awake and he was the one to cover them with blankets

Olivia out of her shell arc make my day.
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And to the victor goes the spoils!

Looking forward to another year of Gator Days!

Adult me and little kid me can’t stay up late to save their lives. 

I remember being so disappointed. Fireworks were illegal where I grew up. Neighbors had a few of those “poppers” that shot little streamers.

My parents gave me and my sister pots to bang with spoons, like it was going to be a big deal, and my young ass actually felt hyped for it. It’s going to be big and loud and dramatic, and the whole neighborhood will hear!

Then midnight came, and … clung, clung, clung.

That’s it, that was the big blowout that I’d worked up in my head for so long.

So I’ve never thought staying up for midnight was a big deal, ever since.

I don’t have a lot to say; just that I really love your comics. It’s so cute!

Look how easy it is to make kids fall asleep, we should let them stay up every night.


I love that at this point, all the parents of Gus crew, are friends too.

Staying up with friends for new years is always fun, even if that means falling asleep

i usually ate so much, I threw up

definitely happened at 3 or 4 NYE

Happy new year to Douglas too!

When I was like 6 years or so, my parents allowed me to stay awake at new years eve. At some point I was thinking that the carpet in front of the fireplace was a perfect fit for a little rest to get ready for the fireworks.
Next I remember is my mother waking me up with a Happy new year the next morning.

Someone I know said they used to fast forward all the clocks to almost midnight at like 9pm so the kids would celebrate a ball drop at “midnight”.

And to the 2nd mouse, the cheese.

Me, an adult – I’ll stay up at late as I damned well please! *goes to bed at 9:00

Snacks for the Snack God

Lol this reminds me of my childhood. When I was little, probably 5 or 6 years old, my parents bought fireworks and told me I could stay up until midnight to watch them go off. I was falling asleep on the couch so they told me it was midnight set off the fireworks at like 10pm so I could see and go to bed

Here’s one trick to avoid disappointed kids that didn’t make it through the night. Just set the clocks forward a couple hours and have an early celebration, they probably won’t notice and they’ll go straight to bed anyway.


‘Bout how my New Year will be

This comic goes to show how useless New Year’s celebrations are

“Hey, it’s midnight. Now what do we do?”
“Go to sleep?”
“Don’t mind if I do!” *zzzzzzzzzzzz*

That was so much fun as a kid, the unbound freedom, the food, and the utter exhaustion from staying up so freaking late.

When my son was 5 I told him he could stay up as late as he wanted. I thought this would be the result, because his bedtime as 8PM at the time. Nope. At 3AM I told him we had to call it quits and head to bed.

Incrdible that the author takes time to quickly draw extra panels just to respond to the commenters.

somewhere in this anthro world is a dog army vet with PTSD being scared shitless of new years celebrations~

Anyone else here just tell the kids it was midnight at 9pm, yell “Happy New Year!”, then send them blithely to bed? Analog clocks are awesome.

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