Happy third anniversary, everyone

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Oh please I need to know if there was a follow-up

George Galloway is a fucking helmet

“Russia state-affilated media”


>Especially if they’re not even paying you to act like an idiot.


And they called him a leftie. Yuck.

What possessed a Brit to use the term “y’all” in any context whatsoever??

Russia invaded Ukraine and Crimea in 2014. Not sure what crack this guy is on.

Who’s this moron?

There’s an alternate universe where George Galloway didn’t go on big brother and pretend to be a cat and ruin his career.

It’s a shame because he was one of the best orators the British Labour had produced in generations, but you can’t come back from being a horny cat on national television so the man had to pivot into being another “contrarian dumb shit takes online” guy

Did he show some humility the days later when he was proven wrong by reality?

This man tried to run for MP in my town and didn’t win. His face was plastered on a billboard directly outside my house for over 12 months after failing to get into power. It was infuriating.

**This tweet aged worse than a glass of milk left in the sun for three years.**

This reminds me of when Hasan Piker said Russia couldn’t invade Ukraine like 2 weeks before they invaded

The guy lying about Russia and Ukraine is now lying about Gaza and Israel. Shocker.

I mean, the second half of that tweet is incredibly applicable

I just want to know who was paying this idiot.

I can smell this tweet 🤢

This tweet aged worse than a kid’s milk-filled sippy cup left in a car on a Summer day.

Or week.

Or month.


I went to school with George’s nephew, and any time I see this man making a fool of himself I wince a little for the guy I knew

“Russian state affiliated media” lmao

Right or wrong in the end, one thing you can tell right away is that this person is an aggressively unpleasant knob.

“Especially if they’re not even paying you to act like an idiot.” 


State-affiliated media, opinion discarded.

purr, purr, meow

Oooo put ya foot in it

George Galloway doesn’t have opinions… he just says whatever suits his agenda at any given time

So that is what an “ass hat” looks like…

Bet he’s humble now that he’s wrong



What was this fucks response when they finally did?

Hey George, what are your predictions on Canada?

Everybody should just tweet him with this pic and a “this you?”

This makes me scared because everyone is saying the USA would never invade Canada

Did anyone pay him to act like a cat?

Russia attacked Ukraine since 2014

I dont blame people for thinking Putin wouldn’t invade. It was an absolutely insane thing to do. Hard to see that coming. What pisses me off is when people who said he wouldn’t invade refuse to acknowledge the fact that they were wrong

When the boy cries wolf, you do eventually ignore him even when he’s right

I bet George likes Putins sausage

They invaded Ukraine 8 years before the tweet. Galloway has always been a muppet.

Someone send this to ol George.

Galloway said he was right that Russia didn’t invade Ukraine? I already had no respect for him, but what could he possibly have been on about?

if you don’t have that humphrey bogart build don’t wear the humprey bogart hat. “M’yeh see they was neva gonna invade, see?” doesn’t hit the same from a chubby cat

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