Pipefitter here. There is too much work and far too few hands. My bank is fat. But I just play video games for a couple hours after work and repeat the cycle. Friends hit me up to go fishing, camping, rode dirtbikes etc. Always too tired to accept.
2 months ago
what job you got. i dont even care about being exhausted anymore lol
2 months ago
You won..but at what cost? *Insert Thanos*
2 months ago
Let’s not forget taxes
2 months ago
Job: we pay six figures. Us: I’d like that. Gov: I like that too. Us: ;(
2 months ago

2 months ago
Or when you got your paycheck and it magically dissappear in 3 days because you have to eat and pay the bills and something something like your fridge broke and you have to buy a new one and now you have a back pain cause you working 9 hours long shift in a factory but you still can’t really afford to live cause your are not a billionaire.
Living to work
Pipefitter here. There is too much work and far too few hands. My bank is fat. But I just play video games for a couple hours after work and repeat the cycle. Friends hit me up to go fishing, camping, rode dirtbikes etc. Always too tired to accept.
what job you got. i dont even care about being exhausted anymore lol
You won..but at what cost? *Insert Thanos*
Let’s not forget taxes
Job: we pay six figures. Us: I’d like that. Gov: I like that too. Us: ;(

Or when you got your paycheck and it magically dissappear in 3 days because you have to eat and pay the bills and something something like your fridge broke and you have to buy a new one and now you have a back pain cause you working 9 hours long shift in a factory but you still can’t really afford to live cause your are not a billionaire.