Have I been scammed? Where’s my other 0.02Hz?

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Inflation. 120hz last year is only worth 119.98 this year

its on my screen bruh
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You are lucky…

Same here! I bought a charger for my phone that was advertised as 5A, but it’s only 4.99993A! Where’s my missing 0.00007A?!

You forgot to tip the seller

I’m not using my 144Hz, feel free to borrow it:
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Hz is stored in the balls.


Literally unplayable.

144 Hz was already taken, so you’re operating at 143.98 Hz. Otherwise, you’d see what someone else’s GPU was rendering at your screen.

/s Just in case

Ate it. My bad bro.

you must use the included branded stickers in the box to get the extra .02

It’s on the knife

FPS tax…make sure you file your 1099-super max pro ultra form with the IRS, you might qualify for a FPS refund!

In all seriousness though, it bugs the heck out of me too when i get thosesettings (I’m OCD).

Don’t worry mate, you are not alone. I’m missing 0.24
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No, this is how this works!

Technically what you hear everywhere are converted back and forth and rounded numbers, and these are the real usable values.

Just as a 2TB storage drive can get you like 1900 GB of storage instead of 2000, because… well thats how it works :))

So ur safe :DD

That really hertz.

the last .02 is still in china

if they save .02 Hz on every monitor they make, after every like 7199 monitors they have enough to make another one for free

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Maybe put it in some rice and the 0.02Hz might appear

The human eye can’t tell the difference between 144hz and 143.98hz

Serious response to (assumed) troll post.

It’s fault of signal integrity either your cable is bad or you have too much interference around your monitor, cable or GPU.

Buy a good cable.

You gotta turn on the brand new AI DL “H” S tech from nvidia to get that extra 0.02Hz smoothness benefit, Only adds +10ms

The remaining 0.02Hz is DLC. Bastards.

Wait till he looks at his hard drive/ SSD size after being formatted…

Wait till you find about storage drives…


It’s the Hz tax , you don’t know that ? 60Hz are 59.99, etc.. it’s a tax retailers do

That’s like a whole frame per minute you’re being robbed of!!!

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Not even 60 Hz, oh the misery!

I wonder if this is a relic of how old broadcast television was actually 29.97 instead of 30 fps. Something to do with the use of that extra little bit of data for color information, when analog broadcasting switched from B&W to color. This way they could retain backwards compatibility.


Obviously this isn’t how it’s done today, but maybe monitors still run like that as a leftover.

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Jokes aside, I would like to know why it’s 0.02 less if anyone is willing to explain?

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Right here , pay up and you get it back

You need a 5090 for the extra .02 hz, and the 5090 won’t actually be 144 hz it will just be 60 hz up scaled with AI to 144 hz

Going to be real I wish the system just lied since I hating seeing 164.8973

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