Have you ever harrumphed?

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This guy regularly uses the exclamation *huzzah*

human pet guy jumpscare


“yes, quite so”

*smokes pipe*

How’s that an insult? This guy probably gives the *best* harrumphs!

I bet he guffaws.

I didn’t get a harrumph out of that guy!

If he thickens up that bottom part and raises it up to negate the neckbeard vibe. Would slim him down and give him more gruff to harumphh

That’s a style, might not be my style or taste but I like it. Even has a bow tie on.

“Good God” and “great Scots” are phrases I imagine him using.


Holy shit it’s the human pet guy! He looks exactly like how I expected him to look ngl.

Dude has a sine wave on his face.

For anyone who’s new to the stream, harrumph means to clear your throat loudly. It’s just an archaic word.

This man 100% uses the word ‘verily’ in every single conversation he has

I want to hear it now

A conference of unemployed elves ?

Human pets guy…why does he look like Watson.

Did anyone else immediately think of the “harrumph!” scene in Blazing Saddles?

His spirit animal is the owl from the Tootsie Pop commercial

Dudes middle name is M’lady

Human pet guy!

Button on vest: “Ask me about my custom Linux distro!”

Harrumphed what a truly magical looking word I love it

Peter Griffin wants his chin back

This dude looks like he orders tea just to scowl at it.

I didn’t get a harrumph from that guy

That one supporting character from a pixar movie who’s only here for comedic relief

Right infront of the face haha

Well does he ?

Saw this a long time ago

This is a rare compliment if anything

Egads, by Jove I think you’re right. Smashing!

That man was born to play Dr Watson! 😆

Not an insult

About to ask Scrooge for money

Looks like he sells lamp oil, rope, and bombs.

For some reason, I bet when he laughs he goes, “hububububu!”

Somehow, this doesn’t read as an insult as much as an appreciation of vibes.

That’s a harrumph if I ever saw one.

Nothing to do with Human Pet Guy, but when I saw “Harrumph”, all I could think of was BLAZING SADDLES

Governor: I didn’t get a harrumph outta that guy!

Headly: *Give the Governor a harrumph!*

That Guy: Harrumph

Governor: You watch your ass!

“I didn’t get a harrumph out of that guy!”
“I’m watching you…”

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