He actually lost interest in that relationship

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Well, she must’ve thought it was payback time.

Clearly, neither of you were invested in the relationship.

^I’ll ^see ^myself ^out.

Technically she didn’t leave you a loan

What was the interest rate? Should have made a contract then you wouldn’t have lost interest

At least she paid you back. My ex owes me 10 grand. I’m sure I’ll never see it

Groan! And technically you can’t lose something that is not expected, so the financial angle of the joke doesn’t make sense.

Finance problems 🤝 Fiancé problems

Always nice getting the full security deposit back.

Now you’re just some body that she used to owe

At least she gave you your deposit back

People respect a man of principle.

u/JehovahsNutsack 😂😂

Couldn’t be saved, by all accounts.

That’s… That’s the joke…


The same happened to me but in Turkish liras.

His ex just stood on the principle

If you lived together it wasnt a loan, If you considered it one then maybe thats why you broke up.

Didn’t even pay the vig?

She is the kind of woman you can bank upon.

Seems like she decided to withdraw all her interest.

These comments are killing me rn

I love to get a punchline in the title.

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