he contributes nothing

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Tough, but fair

he’s just like me 🤩

except being one of the few remaining pillars on my sanity


Whats the point of censoring the user of the original poster? Hogging all that reddit karma or something? 😭

he looks so distinguished

In the great words of Sturgill Simpson,

> I don’t have to do a god damn thing, but sit around and wait to die

Does he have wares? I have coin.

He contributes more than me

Unexpected Seinfeld

Why is he sitting like that


he actually looks done and disappointed lol like “what have you done this time?”

Looks like a kid getting scolded by his mom.


His ass is NOT paying rent

Hes just a chill Cat that contributes nothing to the society

Me when I’m jus cooling tbh

i disagree

He contributed this photo!

Untrue, he’s adorable, and that keeps me going

He’s the CEO of being adorable, though he may wake me up at 4AM but that’s the price I’ll pay

Why do I get the feeling that his name is Clem? Or maybe Bubba?😻

Except Joy!

to be fair – it’s hard to contribute to society while sitting on your ass the whole day

Wdym, he paid off my mothers cancer treatment bills

And by the way he’s sitting, he’s saying “And what of it?”

And he knows it

Cuteness is a contribution

Cuteness and love is not nothing

Like father/mother like son/daughter

He does

He’s a philosopher and he’s about to dispense with knowledge

and he’s fine with that, amazing. Truly inspirational

How toddlers look when they’re watching their big brother play video games..

If he makes you a little happier, he’s done his job

But to the feline society he is king.

He contributes love and joy! 😊

Bongus pose

Except for pure joy. That is worth something!

Leave him alone! He’s doing the best he can!

He contributes cat.

That is enough.


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