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Oh, Liam. It’s going to be a long half a season…

Helmut in his office rn:
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You post faster than Liam drives.

sorry liam ts must suck but i burst out laughing so hard when he got p20

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I think red bull build a complete shit box this year, but Max is just such an outerworldly driving God that he can drag it to the podium.

Or Liam just sucks.

helmut staring at the screen in disbelief 🧍🏻‍♂️

Ts is brutal to watch

Very painful to watch

How long will RB wait to put Yuki in that car???

Liam Lastson

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the gods watching yuki place P3 after Liam talked shit

(enjoy p19.5)

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I don’t even want Yuki in that car. Let him do his thing in the Racing Bulls and then leave RB before it can drag him down


This is not even funny anymore, its just sad

Remember when he Zapped Checo? Every time he finishes p20 I think back to that moment.

At this point you really have to ask

How hard have they been fucking up this car the past few years? It just seems like it’s fundamentally undriveable unless your name is Max Verstappen

It’s like the second RBR seat is haunted by the ghost of Goatifi somehow… and the curse gets stronger and stronger each year.

that picture of checo and yuki is amazing

A class rookie at it again

I think the RBR is designed according to Max’s spec and style, so the 2nd driver always flops.

This is painful to watch man. Where’s my kiwi driver at?

I saw people calling Lawson P20 a “South Pole”

devil’s work that one, bruh.

I really want to see his and Max’s on boards side by side.

Came here looking like Jenson Button… shame we got Honda era Button

Adolf Jerko has been really quiet lately…

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