He got over 200 awards

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He was the most hated guy on reddit for a while back then

Lmao i remember this, whole of reddit was PISSED

Man didn’t want to see ads on Reddit and pulled a big brain play

I love how he admitted to it just to watch Reddit get pissed 😂

reddit be like reddit lol

Why would you admit to it though? Just leave it and maybe like 5 people realize on their own

It is pretty funny that people would give someone reddit awards because they thought they’d die soon.

I’m actually happy that this is fake

“but yah I love karma lol”

Yeap, gonna get a lot of bad karma results alright!

I’m surprised people didn’t realize no doctor would give a range of 5 to 15 years. That should’ve been enough to know it’s a fake post.

iirc his acc got deleted and he became universally hated on reddit

Of course it is fake as fuck

99% of the stuff on here is fake as fuck

It’s why Newspapers had editors

Just shows how easy it is to lie online

Lol imagine actually falling for that shit, most of the shit that is posted on those kind of subs are fake asf and just karma farming

Some men just want to watch the world burn…

Some people just do anything for attention smh 😣

We need to be teaching folks critical thinking. This whole story was an *obvious* lie from “within 3 weeks”.

Redditors are generally a bunch of suckers who fiend for a good pity party lmao

What does karma get you on Reddit?

I’ve never heard about this. Jesus Christ

Legit question, what does karma even do?

Should be banned from Reddit for this

how was his account not suspended?

This is daily Reddit. Just different topics.

Mind hive mentality.

90% of content on this site is fake.

Is that post still up?

This is one of those things where I’m glad it’s fake. It’s still an asshole move tho.

Typical for gullible Reddit.

Imagine the karma you may actually get

Yeah was gonna say, that brain cancer was on a mission.

It developed like Venom as he spoke to Redditors? Lmao

to be fair, redditors deserve to get tricked like this for their constant foolishness

The old saying “mocking is catching” needs to be a part of conversation more…

someone got the link to the original post? is it still up?

Lmfaooo, does anyone know the blokes username? I bet that’s the most karma he will ever get

What a fool. Could’ve made another post about a miraculous recovery and get even more😂

LMAO classic

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