He is protecting himself for when he scams us.

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Helping the billionaires just what the racist wanted

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What, the guy who owns like 4 companies that provides shitty products is going after the organization that tries to protect consumers from scams? You don’t say!

Sounds about right since he just admitted the entire full self driving thing was a huge scam.

I look forward to never seeing Elmo again

Musk-whats-his-face is a horrible president of the U.S.

If King Richard went and executed Robin Hood.

Kinda makes for a much more depressing story.

this idiot has done NOTHING for people, but a lot to hurt people. he needs to go, yesterday

Move your money to an OCC regulated bank NOW!

Right after the president scammed his cult with his coin. Checks out.

Who wants to bet that he will be going after OSHA next?

Elect a business man notoriously bad at running a business, get a country run like a bad business.

Where are the brave citizen heroes we’ve kept hearing about?

They love their right, are they actually going to do something about him?


We are two special elections away from flipping the House. If Democrats win both upcoming races in Florida, it will tie Congress at 217-217. A third special election in New York (date TBA) could give Democrats the majority.

📢 This is a rare opportunity. Let’s mobilize. Even if you don’t live in Florida, you can make a huge impact. Here’s how:


🗳️ Gay Valimont (FL-1) for Congress
🔗 https://www.gayforcongress.com

📞 Phone banking:

🗳️ Josh Weil (FL-6) for Congress
🔗 https://www.joshweil.us

📞 Phone banking:

HOW YOU CAN HELP (Even from Out of State)

✅ Spread the Word – Make social media posts with the election date and candidate links.

✅ Phone Bank Remotely – Join virtual events to remind Florida voters to turn out.

✅ Donate – Every dollar counts in special elections.

✅ Call Your Reps – Thank them for their work or demand they stonewall extremist appointees.

✅ Recruit Others – Ask friends and family to get involved.

This is winnable—but only if we act NOW.


[Please Retweet](https://bsky.app/profile/awesomedan24.bsky.social/post/3lhmqfkkvjc2z)

Imagine how better American would be if Elon didn’t exist.

Fuck this fuckin fucker

Is the location of his jet still available?

Steal from the poor, give to the rich!

Yeah let’s piss off the general population in favor of the rich, it’s not like it would result in people becoming angry and revolting against the government and staging a revolution /s.

Like shit like this is how the French and Russian revolution started, because people were suffering. Ironically the ‘wasteful’ spending they eliminating stuff that helps the people.

Like the reason people become communists is because the rich exploited the poor and made them suffer, and we shouldn’t be giving reasons for a communist revolution. Sadly I fear that this reckless dismantling will bite them when the economy suffers, and people become so desperate and miserable, and the next thing we know is that there’s an armed revolution. We’d be lucky if there’s no revolution during these 4 years.

I rather not give ammo to communists. As in I do not want to give them a read to start a revolution, make sure that you reduce suffering, and people are less likely to become communist.

If we think of the national debt like a mortgage, we had to borrow trillions of dollars so we could build infrastructure, a military, and a government. Debt sucks, but at least we the people own something for it.

Now, Musk is dismantling the government we bought and paid for. It takes money to hire people, train them, write policies and create organizations. He’s destroying the “net worth” of the government by closing agencies and chasing away talent and expertise. Leaving we the people with just the debt.

I hope there is one brave soul with a very good aim to handle this antichrist of a man child.

End Usurs, End Usury


The fuck do they even mean the return of CC late fees and overdraft penalties? Those things never went anywhere.

Just don’t export your crazy, America. We don’t want it

Surely at some point even the spinless Senate of the Turtle Era will stand up and say “that was passed by law, a random fascist can’t just say it’s gone”

Dors he have any idea how much hate against him he is creating. It’s not a good thing.

And Trump wants Canada to allow the same things from US banks operating in Canada.

God dammit! We lost the CFPB??? Guess I’m calling the comment line again today 

Do you hear that? It’s the people chanting someone’s name. Looi. E. Gee.

Also the agency is entirely funded through attacks on the industry perpetually

This is getting funnier by the minute. The great America circus.

Probably getting ready to release a new truck😂

How else do you think trump makes money ?

When did CC late fees and over draft fees go away?

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