He just shrugged

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“Let that man who said he wants to stab me in the house, darling”

“But honey, he said he wants to stab you”

“Yes, but the law is there and it’s strong, I doubt he’ll even consider stabbing me”

“Well, wouldn’t it be better to not let him in at all, just to make sure?”


Also, what guardrails lmao. Every single body capable of legally interfering with the president’s actions is controlled by his followers

This is pretty much the same stupid rhetoric right wingers say about russia. Just give them Ukraine and they will stop trying to expand. They cant do it! With what army? NATO!ย 

The issue isnt wether they can the issue is that they want to.

What a fucking idiot, โ€œguardrails?โ€ Whatโ€™s is wrong with these people? Ask him if he would drive down a mountain road with a blindfold on and rely on the guardrails to keep him from plummeting to his death, guarantee you he say fuck no. The point is why rely on a safety measure to keep things in order if the danger can be avoided entirely

I had a similar co me reaction before the election. Talking with an older conservative/libertarian guy at work. I pointed out all of the problems with the conservative platform, and specifically how Trump would be the worst person to vote for. He acknowledged that Trump wasnโ€™t a great choice, but said thatโ€™s who the Republican ticket was. I told him he didnโ€™t have to vote Republican. I told him that since he is a strong Christian, a dedicated family man, and generally a good person, it made no sense why he would pick Trump, like a complete betrayal to his ethos.

He paused a minute and said that he wasnโ€™t very smart, but the people he has respected his entire life were voting for Trump, and so they must be onto something. I almost broke through. Almost.

My MIL said she lost freedoms because of the liberal Democrats. I asked her to name one freedom she lost. It took her a bit and she said free enterprise and liberties. I said your just saying words, give me one example, just one. Five minutes later she is going on about Alexander the Great and how history repeats itself. After she was done I said that’s wonderful, you still haven’t given me one example. She came back with needing a permit for a yard sale. She lives in a red state, county and city.

Edit spelling

What wasn’t said….”Because he hates who I hate!”

Itโ€™s true, they often just shrug at the end with no explanation

If there were actual guardrails, he wouldn’t even be able to run for president.

2 years in the future:

Me: Hey Colin, what happened to those guardrails? Why do eggs cost 3 times what they did under Biden?

Him: Biden set a trap for Trump before he left office. This is the Dems’ fault. 100%.

Me: Oh yeah? Why didn’t you mention the subterfuge at that time? Why didn’t your MAGA Congress stop him? Why didn’t FOX report it at the time? I thought Biden was too old, too infirm to govern, much less lay a trap for Trump.

Him: shrugs


The ‘Guardrails’ are painted lines on the ground that show where you’re *supposed* to stop. They are only as strong as the people enforcing them are.

Because they voted for stiggin it. And no other reason. They want the people who they believe oppose them to suffer. End of discussion.

The paradox of the Trump supporterโ€ฆ..

Trump says what he means but at the same time doesnโ€™t mean what he says.

America has no guardrails, Trump proved that. I remember hearing a saying years ago about that fraud and the gist of it is thereโ€™s no control test that will stop collusion. If one side doesnโ€™t care about the guardrails when it comes to their pursuit of power then the guardrails donโ€™t exist.ย 

Probably because he KNOWS this dictator won’t come for him… that’s why he can shrug.

Because it will cause people he doesn’t like pain.

MAGAts and Qcumbers are going to be real surprised when the jaguars turn to eat their faces. Especially all the “drawbridge immigrants” that voted for him. My step dad voted to get kicked off of his health insurance. He’s a 400 lb festering preexisting condition.

Thereโ€™s NEVER a reasonable answer when you ask a tRumper โ€œWHY?โ€

“To own the libs.”

As my british homie says โ€œwhy would that leopard eat my face? Says the woman who voted for the face eating leopardโ€

He just shrugged because it was easier and still less shitty than admitting โ€œI didnโ€™t wanna vote for a filthy black womanโ€ ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Wait wait. Why give power to the one that wants to dismantle those same guardrails?

This is so accurate. Most of them voted for him without paying any attention to his plans or the shit he said while campaigning but they would always say โ€œKamala has no plans, she doesnโ€™t do interviews, she canโ€™t speak, word salad, blah blah blahโ€. Fuck these people. Itโ€™s going to be hell for at least 4 years because of them. We lost a chunk of our lives to Covid, now weโ€™ll lose a chunk of our lives to this bullshit. Anyone born from the early 80โ€™s onwards will have lived through so many traumatic experiences. This country is really the bad place.

Last 8 years proved that the guardrails are indeed not strong, just untested.

Trump has shown our government is utterly broken, and our justice system is broken as well. If you look at history, this is the point where historians usually point at as the official โ€œfall of xxx empireโ€

Fuck you Colin.

People are stupid.

Why would he vote for an adjudicated rapist?

The last 8 years have definitely shown us our guardrails are made out of aluminum foil

Half of American voters shrugged at the ballot box, and millions more shrugged as they sat at home. Weโ€™re living in the Unraveled States of IDGAF.

It is bizarre. So many people think that he’ll keep the promises they like and the others were hyperbole, lies or things he won’t be allowed to do. Why can’t they see that other people will think exactly the same, but their lists will be different?

There’s something very wrong if you’re voting for someone on the basis that he won’t do what people are voting for him to do because he’s lying or won’t be able to.

people are fucking idiots, and this election just proved it. its only a matter of time before mother nature says fuck off and kills a vast majority of the population. yolo

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