He really thinks he’s so smart and everyone else around him including us are idiots…

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You dont know COBOL do you?

Show me why it’s a problem. Show me the money that was sent to them as benefits, even just in the aggregate. Not having a confirmed death on record doesn’t seem crazy to me. Show me that a non negligible amount of social security payments have gone to be people over 110 or something like that.

Where he put “Obviously” is where he should put “because…”. If you claim to be transparent, provide the piece of the data that makes the fucking difference.

So he rummaged through personal data at Paypal as well.

The guy who mangled C+ as an amateur thinks he can lecture about COBOL database structures.

so many claims and still no proof to share

Everyone assumes you did that at PayPal too, bud.

And it’s not our fault you struggle to understand data structures.

He thinks he found a record of a person older than social security and the entire country and instead of immediately saying “wait, I must be misreading it” he instead says “there is a secret scam in social security to siphon money away with a 400 year old person”

Marked alive means nothing. Now if dead people got paid then that means everything. 18 million people in the database that are over 120 years old and marked alive are NOT getting paid. This was reported years ago.

It’s the hallmark of a malignant narcissist to think they know better than everyone else with the barest fraction of the data. He and Trump are the same.

Hey Elon…

Fuck off

Tell me that you have no idea how COBOL database management works without telling me.

Also, 2025 – 150 = 1875; the US has been around for much longer than that.

He’s so stupid he doesn’t realize how stupid he is.

This would all be hilarious if it didn’t involve what it involves.

Dude was fired from PayPal because he was going to ruin the company.

Alive before America existed as a country? He cannot be this fucking stupid.

Just keep posting things like this everywhere you see it, that’s the only way they’ll stop pushing this narrative: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/2/14/2303889/-Nope-There-are-no-150-year-olds-on-Social-Security-It-s-COBOL](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/2/14/2303889/-Nope-There-are-no-150-year-olds-on-Social-Security-It-s-COBOL) It’s killing me how few people know about COBOL. So many states use it too. We need better basic computer classes for everyone.

Are we just watching the Dunning-Kruger effect unfold in real time?

If President MUSK wasn’t a habitual lair -self driving cars just around the corner, taking Tesla private comes to mind- you might believe him, but the dude will way ANYTHING. Clearly he lost his freaking mind.

Come on, cholesterol

Peter Thiel wouldn’t let Elon Musk get near PayPal


Musk is a jackass.

If you know the history of PayPal — you know Elon Musk was tossed out like a pilot being ejected from a fighter jet.

“What was that?”

“A bunch of people who are dead labeled as alive”

“Can I see?”


Sr Dev here;

Musk is dunking on something he doesn’t understand. Dead people being “alive” in SSA’s system is bad data, not bad code. A lot of these people “older than America” are just COBOL placeholder dates from a time when missing birth records had to be filled in with defaults like 01/01/1800. It’s a data quirk, not a system failure. Fixing it means better data pipelines, funding, and government willingness to modernize—not just rewriting everything in Python and calling it a day.

Also, his ego far outstrips his actual hands-on experience. He didn’t invent online payments (X.com got absorbed into PayPal), Tesla existed before he showed up, and SpaceX isn’t him in a lab coat soldering rocket parts. He’s a hype man with a checkbook, not an innovator.

It’s only a “HUGE problem” if they’re receiving payments. There are over 100 million children in the system, too. That doesn’t mean they’re receiving payments.


He’s the master of innuendo, yet hasn’t found anything and has done some really stupid shit on top of that.

I hope Samantha Power sues him for defamation.

Why is this 53 year old saying “bruh”

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