Heavy metal cone with some sort of measuring markings on it, has threads on the inside

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Never ceases to amaze me just how many potential explosives this group finds.

Looks like an artillery shell detonator. Set it down gently and notify the authorities. Cue the EOD bot.

Yep, that’s an artillery timed fuse. You set the time to detonation by rotating the rings. Don’t play with it, call EOD.

Similar item, although from different round:


100% the fuse to an artillery shell. Place it on the floor, and walk away. Call the local authorities.

It probably wont explode, but I have no idea what type of explosives the fuses contain.

To everyone yelling that he needs to set it down and run, please take it outside first. We don’t think it’ll explode but I also don’t think that’s covered under insurance.

Please let us know what happens after you contact the authorities

My title describes the thing. It was for in house along with other old collectibles in New England.

Nose of a shell including fuse, I have loads of these in my collection, likely ww1

A large amount of these are recovered by people from places like the Somme in France, you can walk through the farmers fields and theyโ€™re just lying there

I know the people that run this store do that and similar stores do that.


From your friendly Explosive Ordnance Disposal guyโ€ฆif I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s in it, Iโ€™m not touching it.

Best choice is to let your local authorities know and they will contact your local EOD unit to come out and check it to ensure itโ€™s not a hazard. These things get picked up all the time from people who either donโ€™t know what it is or donโ€™t know that itโ€™s potentially hazardous.


Agreed. Call the cops and explain. Set it down very gently as far away from anyone at all that you can.

Dont panic! It looks like a shell detonator. Itself it has very little explosive, but it still dangerous. Put it down gently, get outside and call authorities.

It is not an egg timer, so I wouldn’t go turning those dials.

Looks like a British 4.5in artillery shell fuse but its hard to tell if it is ir not as for if its dangerous 50/50 tbh if the fuse is missing the bottom half its harmless

Hey there, mortarman here! That’s a mortar fuse.

do not tinker. please set it down gently and call the authorities

That looks like the top of an anti aircraft shell

Is it just me but I would never pick up anything that looks so obviously like a shell or a bomb or whatever. Iโ€™ve no expertise in unexploded bombs, but this looks pretty obviously dangerous.


CALL 911 and leave the area even if it is your house. This is serious

Most likely non explosive anymore and the explosive has been removed. Still a risk and you need EOD

Looks like a fused cone off a huge naval cannon…155mm cones aren’t near that big.

That my friend is an artillery fuze that seems to be completely intact. Set it down very gently, leave , and call local pd/bomb squad.

This is a timed fuse from a artillery shell.

That looks like the fuze/tip portion of large caliber tank/artillery/bomb


That is a fuze.

I have a really similar fuze, mine is a british one from World War 1. Yours probably shouldn’t be attached to the larger part.

Looks like a fuse. Yes, that would be likely UXO. Have EOD verify it is inert.

Is that a warhead??

Artillery fuze should be safe because itโ€™s missing 80% the rest of the shell

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