Hello everyone this is the window ear guy. Earlier I was playing with my 4 year old son and noticed this.

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Oh fuck that

Hey OP, so what happened right after taking this photo? Is it actually a guy that then moved? Did he run away after he noticed you or stay still? Did you take video or just grab a photo?

Any update on those home security cameras you were considering? I feel like now it’s the time.

Idk why but that ear absolutely would belong to this man.

Hell nah

Thats one camo’d choad allright

looks like a 1930’s fat man standing sideways pointing a pistol at you

Do not let your kid out of your sight! I would definitely call the cops and report it. Hopefully they come to check it out and find him.

Weird… zoomed in it’s literally this guy:
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Trick 17:
Grap an axe, color your face with dirt, turn on amon amarth as loud as hell and storm on that thing, screaming like a phyco.

If it’s an Illusion don’t worry about neighbours, they won’t ask…

Definitely Bughuul, especially since you were with your son.
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And you should be too. Glad it sounds like you have called the police but lock and load and have security cameras going 24/7.


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reddit ads say maybe get out 😅

He also wants to play with your 4 year old son

shit my pants a lot. thanks

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hey, so i don’t like this.

I’d sneakily text my wife to call the cops, like I didn’t know he was there and hope they came quietly and quickly to chase him down and get him.

Cause if that creep was that close to my kid, it’d make the news for how gruesome it got.

Do you have a gun?
If not, get a gun.

Window ear guy?

Died in the middle of writing the photo description i see

Looks like the mlady Reddit mod guy

That’s when you loudly exclaim how much you love the second amendment.

Dont watch the movie called Men.

Oh that’s Vincent Van Gogh looking for his lost ear…
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Why’s it always got to be a murdery pedophile ? Op doesn’t say this is in his yard. If he’s in a public park or state forest area, then it’s perfectly fine for someone else to be hiking there, even if they are male and fat. I do not see a pistol. To me, it looks like he’s holding onto a walking stick.

If it is in OP’s yard, then, I heartily agree with all the “hell nah” stuff.

im American and all but y’all should try waving and saying “can I help you” before copping murder 1

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Is this not just a scarecrow?

I don’t really like calling bs here… but this entire image looks generated. I literally can’t pick out a single whole tree in that entire background, it just all blurs together into a mess of nothing. Even incredibly dense woods don’t look like that, especially the branches up higher. The grass also has no shadows and it doesn’t properly meet up with the ground.

If this is real, I’m glad you’re addressing it with police. If this is fake… The internet points mean nothing, get a better hobby.

The new urban legend begins

he is coming to itch your anus

Fuck. Is he wearing a white fedora?

I’d be sending warning shots already. Fuck that.

Black sabbath album cover looking ass

needing an update asap!!!

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If you haven’t used the money for those cameras yet, you should use the money on a gun. He is pretty damn intent on scouting the area it seems. Casing the area – might be watching you guys for extended periods of time.

Could be looking for patterns in your family’s movement/activities – as well as searching for escape routes etc. In any case his actions alone warrant the reasonable suspicion of hostile intent. It’s just too strange.

I wouldn’t try coming into contact with him, but if you ever catch him off guard you might be able to get a read on him. PLEASE ENSURE that you are armed under the circumstance you ever do bump into him by accident.

If you won’t arm yourself for your own well being, think about the well being of your child instead

If you can’t buy/afford a gun, knives a great go to. As long as you can throw a punch you can stab someone. If you can stab someone 2-3 times you will probably win.

No half measures. No pepper spray. Unless you don’t believe he is actually a threat…

Security cams are a different story, they can give you info that I wouldn’t consider a half measure.

I pray for you and your family’s safety.


Looks a bit like a heron to me.

Stand outside with a rifle in your hands and stare at him until he notices you and fucks off. This happened to me one time. I noticed a creepy looking guy sneaking around my yard and I just stood on my back deck with my shotgun and when he saw me he ran away. Haven’t had a problem since.

this is fiction but I love it

Did I miss how you made the connection with the ear and this photo?

Why only one photo? You gave this to the police?

I need to know what happens with this

No, knives are not a “great go-to”. Knives are awful and without intense training, are more likely to end up hurting you than saving you. Everyone loses with a knife. Just don’t.

Im calling bullshit

haha surely this is just a setup for r/nosleep right? …right??

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