Hello Kate Moss, would you like some candy in your refreshment? Imma put some candy in your refreshment.

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Nobody posted the picture of Kate passed out on Diddy yet? Ok here:
comment image?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=707ae466a9098cd7763153dde1b658a663bfbc4e

2Pac and Biggie could be alive if not for this rapist mf


“Let’s get lost tonight. You could be my black Kate Moss tonight” -Kanye

How come these stories never surfaced during the MeToo movement. This guy is worse than Harvey W.

Remember these disgusting and horrible people are the ones who feel entitled to tell you how to live your life.

I don’t care about anyone involved, everyone apparently knew about this for thirty years and never said anything

He’s just so fugly.

The other hand wrapped around her neck is giving me the ick.

Also everyone at the party was smoking Jeffries


Those pills make your Anus gush.

That’s a yikes from me homie. If only someone was emboldened by recent events to correct what police never will 👀.

We’re active over on r/PDiddyTrial

“You can be my black(ed out) Kate Moss tonight”

“Let’s get lost tonight.
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight.
Play secretary, I’m the boss tonight
And you don’t give a fuck what they all say, right?”


Pulling a Pill Cosby

Mr baby oil

This reminds me of the “the boys” series, where the female lead actor meets her glorified superhero idols in person and gets sexually assaulted by one of them only a couple of moments after. Also everyone else involved is apparently not really surprised by it.

Diddy Do It

He learned that technique from Bill Cosby

Just wait til you remember that America elected a rapist.

Molly time


Pill popping date raping animal 🦔

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