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This is a crazy coincidence
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So is she gonna peg him at night or just reversing the stereotype

This is in reference to something called “The Husband Stitch”.

It is a ***disgusting*** practice where after a woman gives birth the doctor “adds 1 extra stitch” to make the vaginal opening “smaller” either without informing the woman or doing so against her wishes. Men would (and sickenly still do) request this because they think it’ll increase their sexual pleasure by giving the woman a “tighter vagina”, when in fact it does nothing of the sort and simply causes the woman immense pain. A husband stitch **cannot** and **does not** make a woman’s vagina tighter. It is an archaic and immoral practice that should be illegal.

I think this references a surgery that women have after giving birth to “tighten” their vaginas.

Others have explained the husband stitch but “women in male fields” is basically a trend where women make fun of things men commonly do, usually misogyny related. In this case she’s talking about the husband stitch

This refers to the practice of giving a woman who has just given birth an extra stitch when sewing her up, as childbirth causes tearing, and it is called the “husband stitch”. It makes sex painful for the woman.

And it is very real:

When women give birth sometimes the vagina rips and has to be sewn up and sometimes the doctor, sometimes because the husband asks, will add an extra stitch making the vagina tighter than it was previously as to make sex feel better for the man. This all being done without the woman’s consent or knowledge. This is a joke on that as if it was reversed

Her name is Peg

the extra stitch is to make his butthole tighter, for her pleasure. Hope this helps.

Damnit Peggy

I wouldn’t mind making my butt-hole tighter for my wife

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! This is the funniest damn thing I have seen in a while.
Absolute perfect example.

Yeah but this one is funny

Also, pegging.

Must have had some badass insurance.

She like to peg her husband and he has recently been too loose for her liking..

I thought it said extra switch, like a light switch. Works either way.

Make it more difficult to poop

Sadly, due to the current political climate women no longer have bodily autonomy. Looking forward to changing this in the future!

Directing you to [this]( comment on what a husband stitch is.

She’s basically she’s going to do that but to her husband’s butthole (Not really, is a joke). To make it tighter. The ‘#womeninmalefields’ has been a trend lately. It’s basically just “We’re giving men a taste of their own medicine.”

Anal “love stitch”. Hilarious! I have a buddy whose mom actually got stitched up too tight after giving birth and she had to go back to have it corrected.

Ah I know she has a penis.

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