Helping at all times

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Nice she did that, bad she had to

I know it’s amazing, but that hospital is understaffed. I am sorry both women had to go through that.

This user is like the Digg super user of old. They spam same old links and hit the front page like 3-5 times a day. They should be banned or ignored.

that doctor showing humanity despite their own situation is truly admirable.

That’s super woman right there

That doctor still showing so much humanity, even with everything going on in their own life, is honestly so admirable 😌💖

[The Independent states ]( regular Dr was on a break, couldn’t they just go get them from the kitchen?

Doctors are amazing.

Just like the doctor’s pledge: ‘To put others first, even if it means delivering your own baby a little later.

I’m amazed that there aren’t just doctors already at the hospital at all times to do this kind of thing.

a true hero.!!

Imagine going through contractions while helping someone going through contractions!

She’s a rockstar!

She’s literally a superhero. Like, imagine delivering a baby while in labor yourself. Women are so badass.

What an incredible story of selflessness and strength! Truly inspiring.

“Jesus Christ! These contractions are killing me! OK, OK, I need to focus on something else! Oh she needs a baby delivered! Perfect!”

Seriously though, that’s pretty incredible. Like something from Grey’s Anatomy, but you know, not terrible.


Well done, Doctor!


The child getting sidelined for her job before it was even born.

Real heroes don’t wear capes—they deliver someone else’s baby before their own


How far away was the “on call” doctor? In IT, my “on call” requires me to arrive to site within 15 minutes,, and I’m pretty sure it takes longer than that to deliver a child.

she didn’t have to do that, but she did because that’s what being a doctor with an oath is all about! true dedication and humanity right there!


More baby per baby

Well who else’s baby was she gonna give birth to?

That’s pretty badass

Love this. I swear if men gave birth they’d never do something like this. It’d be all about “me me me”

Wild the baby was even able to pass through the birth canal without hitting her big steel balls

What a straight up savage


WOW!! That’s amazing. I’ve given birth 3 times & I can’t imagine what pain she endured to help that woman.

God damn tryhards

“Hold my beer. I got this”

Witnessing this event, the stunned husband spontaneously became pregnant with their second.

Annnnd that was *seven* years ago…

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