Helping Ukraine without extort

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I see Euro leaders talking about massive increase in defence spending, I happy.

Norway will always stand with Ukraine.

Not all of us are assholes! Slava Ukraine

Thank you Europe.

Budapest Memorandum

Lemme repeat myself if it wasn’t clear:


The US promised…it’s time to keep the promise

Totally agree

Slava ukraine🇺🇦🇳🇱 we stand with you

The EU is going to replace the US as the worlds bastion of freedom and prosperity in the world..

Well said!

We are asking them to die in our place, I’d say. Or at least postponing EU deaths. When they win we are allied with the most powerful and experienced fighting force on the planet. It’s an incredible deal, in a horrible way.

to be fair they are fighting for our peace aswell. Tho if europe got conquered it would def become a US problem aswell.

So not sure what im actually saying 😂

Because Europe is in real danger from Russia’s reckless aggression.

Europeans cannot allow any peace that does not provide a firm guarantee of their security. It is not permissible to bargain with one’s vital interests.

Europe isn’t a country.

I’m very much in support of giving aid to Ukraine but is it fair to compare one country’s contribution to a continents?

Europe is a continent, USA is one country. I understand what he’s saying and am not saying he’s wrong but it’s kind of a disingenuous comparison

These numbers dont align with what i am finding on the web. Or does this include the 300 billion package that isnt final yet?

So that’s how the tangerine twat came up with the amount of $500 Billion. He wanted to be paid back for the amount contributed by all other countries in addition to uZa’s contribution! He’s a total sleazebag!

What’s more telling is DonOld doesn’t even want to SELL them weapons with the money they got from Europe. It’s not about the money, it’s about helping Putin.

Majority of Americans, even republicans, are pro Ukraine. It’s just this awful president.

Couldn’t agree more

Every great empire eventually fails and Trump & his MAGA crowd will be the demise of America.

Bro you should pay more!! You live right next to ukraine. And you are a dozen countries comparing yourselves to one…

It’s not even about Ukraine.

Trump couldn’t find it on a map to save his life.

It’s all about Putin.

The Great Capitulation

As a single nation, the US has given the most. I wish we would give more, but the last president was too scared, and the current one is insane

Does that also include the cost for the millions of refugees in Europe?

The joke: An American comes upon a rape victim, what does he do ?

He pulls out a gun and says give me your wallet.

It was not a joke by the way.

Come May 9th, Trump will be standing atop Lenin’s tomb, hand-in-hand with Putin, to review the troops.

A continent comprised of 50 countries with an immediate geographic proximity to the conflict is bragging that they’ve contributed more than a single other country on the other side of the world?



There is hope..

Apparently ukraine has agreed to the deal, with one of the harsher terms removed from the agreement

Thank you for your service, ukraine!

We already knew trump was going to try to end aid to ukraine. Don Jr and Johnson let that cat out of the bag even before the election.

Note that Rasmus Jarlov is a member of the Conservative Party in Denmark, so him being proud of giving money away is really saying something.

Almost $400b? I’ll be honest, that’s three times higher than any other number I’ve seen so far about this. I know altogether Europe has contributed more than the US, but this particular stat seems cooked.

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