Hero Cat❤️

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That is a hero that never asked to be a hero and is sick of the paparazzi taking pictures of him when he just needs to take a shit.

This happened to a friend of my family. Her cat licked her face incessantly, which caused her to wake up and realize the house was on fire. Not only that, but the cat had outside access through the dog flap, meaning she woke her mom up instead of fleeing. Big fat pampered tabby queen. My friend bottle fed her. She lived to be 22 years, with my friend investing close to 30k on her vet bills. Said she was worth every penny.

One time, I accidentally left my front door slightly open and didn’t even realize it—I just went to bed. My cat, being the little genius she is, started meowing her head off like crazy. I got up to see what was going on, and she led me straight to the open door, like she knew it wasn’t supposed to be that way. Cats are so smart and observant, always noticing stuff that’s off. They’ve got our backs in their own quirky way!

Dude looks like he’d murder a family of 5, just to protect HIS family of 5…


Not all angels have wings and arms
Some have whiskers and paws
Not all heroes wear masks and capes
Some have fur and a beautiful tail

She looks like she also set the fire

She’s not fucking around

So many non cat knowers in the comments calling the cat a him. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)

It looks like he’s not happy with the attention he’s getting.

I prefer these types of upbeat stories to the “I just had to say goodbye to my best buddy of eighteen years” type of stories I’m seeing more frequently in this subreddit.

Just look at the determined look on Hero Cat’s face! Hero Cat will save the whole building, unless that lazy fire department gets its act together and saves them first.

Her name is Gizmo. ❤️


Cats save the world![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)

The hero we all need

Hero cat says, “You disturbed my nap.”

Why does this cat look like a grizzled Marine Corps drill sergeant???

Any cat would rescue its humans. Else who would feed it?

And there are idiots murmurring “cAtS dOnT FeEl lOvE”
Bruh youre just a shit -ass person

She is so done.

My cats aspire to be like him. True hero he is! 😆

Behold, the Face of Hero Cat 😺

Fur, whiskers, and a heart of gold. Amazing cat!


no food, no interview.

I don’t like judging books by their covers but like, are we sure the cat didn’t start the fire in the first place?

Looks like a evil villain that started the fire just to get praise for safe the family in danger in the first place 🤣

Pretty sure he started the fire

She looks diabolically happy

She no hero. She was like “Im not dying here with you!”

I need a herooo


“Pathetic humans”


Mad hero.

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